Representative Western blots of (A) MMP-13 (54 kDa) and
(C) TIMP-1
(23 kDa) from LV obtained from FVB/N mice fed on a normal salt (NS,
0.5% NaCl) diet or mice fed on a high salt (HS, 5% NaCl) diet in the
presence or absence of RLX (0.5 mg/kg/day), CGP (1.44 mg/kg/day),
CAND (2 mg/kg/day), or RLX with CAND or CGP (n =
4–6 per group). Densitometric quantification of (B) MMP-13
and (D) TIMP-1 protein expressions from indicated groups. Protein
loading was adjusted by normalizing to GAPDH protein expression for
each animal. All treatments were presented as a ratio to NS. All data
are expressed as mean ± s.e.m. (∗) P <
0.05 vs NS; (#) P < 0.05, (##) P < 0.01 vs HS, determined by One-Way ANOVA with Tukey correction
for multiple comparisons.