β-arrestin and CCR1 Distributions in HEK293 Cells.
images of β-arrestin-2–GFP in vehicle-treated cells containing
(a) wild-type CCR1 or (b) CCR1-A138P. (c, d) Cells treated
in parallel to panels a and b with 100 nM CCl14. Boxes provide 2×
magnification of areas indicated by arrows demonstrating doughnut-shaped
vesicles. Fluorescence images of vehicle-treated (e) HA-tagged wild-type
CCR1 or (f) HA-tagged CCR1-A138P. Boxes show enlargements
of perinuclear areas identified by corresponding arrows. The amplitude
tracings across the images provide relative intensity measurements
of the fluorescence from corresponding baseline intersected pixels
and can be used to identify edges of plasma membrane or nuclear membrane
(right arrow in panel e). (g, h) Fluorescence images of receptors
from cells treated in parallel to those in panels e and f with 100
nM CCL14 for 30 min. (i) Western blot of total ubiquinated CCR1 or
its variant from cells permanently expressing transfected WT CCR1,
transfected CCR1-A138P, and no added receptor (from left
to right). (j) Scatter plot of ubiquitinated CCR1 as in panel i normalized
by total receptor (WT: 1.86 ± 0.01, A138P: 1.28 ±
0.17), N = 3 independent experiments. Bars represent
Mean ± SEM; *, p < 0.05. Sequences of regions
in human receptors for (k) ICL2 of the two predominant chemokine families,
(l) ICL2 of the two remaining one member chemokine families and the
atypical chemokines, and (m) the ICL2 DRY motif and +6 position of
the CCR1 and GHSR1a compared to the rhodopsin family consensus motif
(upper, yellow and blue highlights),2 and
a C-tail alignment from the NPXXY motif for comparison of phosphorylation
sites on CCR1 and GHSR1a (lower, in yellow).