Boolean network
analysis of β-arrestin-receptor interactions
for determination of receptor trafficking fate. This type of mesh
analysis in which the state of a protein changes according to logical
rules and the state of precursors provides a simplification in modeling
biological processes in comparison to more demanding mathematically
rigorous methods. Mesh nodes represent components participating in
the biochemical process and edges connecting nodes the processes.
Cartoons of the different receptor complexes corresponding to distinct
nodes are shown juxtaposed to corresponding nodes. (a) The leftmost
network represents the transition of inactive plasma membrane receptor
C1 through multiple stages to C2 that are driven by interactions with
ligand, G-protein, β-arrestin, and phosphatase. The upper network
between cuts at positions I and II delineate the plasma membrane receptor
fates C1 through the transition to GRK-phosphorylated receptor G2
residing in a lipid-raft signaling compartment. The lower half of
the cut network represents what happens to the receptor subsequent
to interaction with β-arrestin. The fate of receptor C3 is determined
by the affinity of receptor B2 for β-arrestin and by the compartment
in which β-arrestin dissociation from the receptor occurs. The
cube on the right with its multiple faces represents fates where trafficking
has occurred to compartments other than the plasma membrane. (b) Boolean
logic table describing the relationships occurring at each receptor
node. (c) Probability based fate determinations, P(i, j), for trafficking receptors
Cij resulting
from affinity and dissociation differences of β-arrestin from
receptor B2. The table below the cartoon shows six trafficking fates
for ligand bound receptors due to the differential binding occurring
at ICL2 (0 and 1) or the tail (0, 1, 2–3). Conventional class
A and B receptors are now designated in the table by A1 and B1, and
the corresponding β-arrestin affinity for the ligand bound receptor
due to the ICL2 and the C-tail is indicated by the superscript and
subscripts of β-arrestin as Bij. The new class designation Ø corresponds
to an absent to very weak ICL2 core interaction permissive for a β-arrestin
dissociating receptor remaining at the plasma membrane.