Molecular characterization of transgenic mice. a PCR detection of transgenic founders. M, 1 kb DNA ladder; P: positive plasmid control; NC, negative control; transgenic founders numbered 1, 2, 7, 8, 14, 15 and 35. The amplified products are 2.4 kb for HC and 1.2 kb for LC. b Southern blot analysis of the transgenes. The digested genomic DNA was hybridized with the mixture probes of amplified HC and LC fragments and hybridization signals for HC and LC are indicated. NC, genomic DNA of non-transgenic mice as a negative control; P1, P3, P5, are positive plasmid DNA equivalent to 1, 3 and 5 gene copies, respectively. The transgene copy numbers are presented in Table 1. c RT-PCR analysis of the transgenes expression in the mammary gland tissues of transgenic mice. RT-PCR was performed to demonstrate the presence of the chimeric mRNA. M, 100 bp ladder; Transgenic mice are 7, 9 and 14–43; NC, the non-transgenic mouse. The mouse β-actin gene was used as the internal control