Fig 3. Network of connectivity among items on the PAT.
a. Network structure of items on six subscales/domains (sibling problems not included) of the PAT for ALL, epilepsy and asthma. Network structure of items of six subscales/domains (sibling problems not included) of the PAT for ALL (a), epilepsy (b), and asthma (c). Nodes/Items belonging to the same domain have the same color. Structure and Resources; Social Support; Child Problems; Adult Problems; Family Beliefs; Parent Confidence. The items are plotted using a Fruchterman Reingold algorithm, or spring-plot [91]. Strongly related items are closer to each other while less connected variables are forced more outward and central nodes/variables are placed in the center of the graph. Structure resources and social support: mag18, educ, statciv, finsup, supinf, emotsup, childcare, transport, econdif; child (patient) problems: pchangemood, pyounger, pupsetmd, phyperactivity, pattdiff, pcry-upset, pdistracted, pworry, plearndif. psad, pdevdelay, pshy, ppeerdif, violence; Family (adult) problems: exec worry, subabuse, sadness-depr, attentiondif, maritaldif, alcoholprob, childcustody, psychprob; Stress reactivity: nightmares, overly reactive, anxiety; Family beliefs and attitudes: faithoutcome, faithtreatment, faithfam, faithmd. The thickness of an edge represents the size of the correlation coefficient between two nodes; B. Network structure of (significant) PAT subscales/domains (including sibling problems) for ALL (d,e), epilepsy (f,g) and asthma (h,i) at the first time point. ● Structure and Resources; ● Social Support; ● Child Problems; ● Adult Problems; ● Family Beliefs; ● Parent Confidence. Edges represent correlation coefficients.