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. 2020 Mar 23;15(3):e0230194. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0230194

Table 2. Items on the PAT 2.0 and PAT generic version included in the network analysis.

Item subscale Label Description of item
1 struct/resources mag18 Fewer than 2 people older than 18 years old
2 struct/resources educ Caregiver’s highest education (check boxes)
3 struct/resources statciv Patient’s parents’/guardians’ relationship status
4c social support finsup Who can provide financial support
4d social support supinf Who can provide information
4b social support emotsup Who can provide emotional support
social support childcare Who can provide childcare/parenting
5 struct/resources transport Means of transportation
7/8 struct/resources econdif current economic difficulties
11° child problems pchangemood Change moods quickly?
11b child problems pyounger Act younger than his/her age?
11c child problems pupsetmd Get upset about going to the doctor/dentist
11d child problems phyperactivy Act overly active? (i.e. hyperactivity
11e child problems pattdiff Have attention difficulties/ADHD
11f child problems pcry-upset Cry easily or become upset easily?
11g child problems pdistracted Seem easily distracted?
11h child problems pworry Worry?
11i child problems plearndif Have learning or school difficulties?
11j child problems psad Appear sad or withdrawn
11l child problems pdevdelay Have developmental concerns or delays?
11m child problems pshy Act shy or cling to you/other familiar adults?
11n child problems ppeerdif Have difficulty making and keeping friends?
11p child problems violence Been a victim of violence?
13° family problems exec worry Has anyone experienced periods of excessive worry, fear and/or anxiety
13b family problems subabuse Has substance use ever caused problems for anyone in the family?
13c family problems saddness-depr Has anyone experienced periods of prolonged sadness or depression?
13d family problems attentiondif Does anyone have difficulty focusing, concentrating and/or have a history of an attention deficit disorder?
13e family problems maritaldif Have there been marital difficulties, conflict or discussion of separation?
13g family problems alcoholprob Has anyone ever been told that s/he drinks too much?
13h family problems childcustody Have there been any difficulties with child custody disputes?
13j family problems psychprob Any other psychological conditions
14° caregiver stress nightmares Have you had bad dreams or nightmares about your child being ill?
14b caregiver stress anxiety Have you become jumpy since your child came to the hospital?
14c caregiver stress overly reactive When you are reminded of your child being ill, do you sweat or tremble, or does your heart beat fast?
15° family believes faithmd The doctors will know what to do
15c family believes faithfam Our family will be closer because of this
15f family believes faithtreatment We can make good treatment decisions
15h family believes faithoutcome We’re going to beat this