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. 2020 Mar 17;14:87. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2020.00087

Table 1.

Descriptive information for blind participants is provided for the following factors: etiology of blindness, age of blindness onset, residual vision (if any), level of education (high school = HS, undergraduate degree = UG, and graduate degree = G), primary mobility aid, and days per week of independent navigation.

Etiology of blindness Onset age Residual vision Education Mobility aid Ind. Nav. Days
Diabetic retinopathy 29 N UG Cane 2
Microphthalmia Birth N UG Dog 7
Retinitis pigmentosa and glaucoma Birth Avoid obstacles UG Cane 7
Posterior polymorphs dystrophy, cataracts and glaucoma Birth N UG Dog 2
Lebers congenital amaurosis Birth Light/dark, blurry objects, avoid obstacles UG Dog 7
Genetic neurofibromatosis (optic pathway tumor) 5 Blurry objects, fingers at arm’s length HS Cane 3
Lebers congenital amaurosis Birth Light/dark, blurry objects, avoid obstacles G Dog 7
Juvenile glaucoma Birth Light/dark, blurry objects, avoid obstacles, fingers at arm’s length UG Cane 7