Figure 1. Microbiological reporting results of mouse samples tested at the University of Missouri Research Animal Diagnostic Laboratory from 1 November 2001 through 31 October 2002.
The methodology for testing was the primary one listed for each agent in Table 1 (see Table 1 for definitions of abbreviations). (A) Viral pathogen testing results. For HTN, K virus, LDEV, MCMV, and MTV, between 1,400 and 6,000 samples were tested. For all other viruses, between 17,000 and 61,000 samples were tested. (B) Results of bacterial pathogen and P. carinii and E. cuniculi testing. For M. pulmonis 45,609 samples were tested, and for all other bacteria between 5,400 and 13,500 samples were tested. For parasites 14,323 samples were tested, for P. carinii 719 samples were tested, and for E. cuniculi 10,194 samples were tested. (*) Tested only in immunodeficient mice. (**) This test is a bioassay that lacks specificity, in that other infectious agents, neoplasia, hemolyzed serum, liver trauma, eye bleeding, and even shipping stress can lead to positive serum lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) values. Thus, the prevalence of LDEV may be overestimated.