Table 3.
Lifetime Impacts Among Female and Male Victims of Sexual Violencea,b by a Workplace-Related Perpetrator
Impact | Any workplace perpetrator |
Nonauthority figure (Coworker, customer, client) |
Authority figure (Supervisor, boss, superior in command) |
Estimated number of victims | Weighted % (95% CI) | Estimated number of victims | Weighted % (95% CI) | Estimated number of victims | Weighted % (95% CI) | |
Impactsc,d among female victims | ||||||
Fearful | 2,021,000 | 29.8 (26.1–33.5) | 1,332,000 | 28.3 (24.0–32.5) | 771,000 | 30.9 (24.5–37.2) |
Concerned for safety | 1,530,000 | 22.6 (19.0–26.1) | 1,092,000 | 23.2 (19.0–27.3) | 465,000 | 18.6 (12.8–24.4) |
Any PTSD symptoms | 1,529,000 | 22.6 (19.2–26.0) | 1,022,000 | 21.7 (17.8–25.6) | 571,000 | 22.9 (17.0–28.8) |
Injury | 246,000 | 3.6 (2.4–4.9) | 179,000 | 3.8 (2.2–5.4) | 113,000 | 4.5 (2.1–6.9) |
Missed at least one day of work/ school | 459,000 | 6.8 (5.0–8.5) | 242,000 | 5.1 (3.0–3–7) | 231,000 | 9.2 (5.9–12.6) |
Impactsc,d among male victims | ||||||
Fearful | 410,000 | 14.3 (10.1–18.5) | 262,000 | 11.4 (7.2–15.6) | 154,000 | 22.6 (11.8–33.5) |
Concerned for safety | 310,000 | 10.8 (7.0–14.6) | 225,000 | 9.8 (5.9–13.6) | ||
Any PTSD symptoms | 282,000 | 9.8 (6.6–13.1) | 158,000 | 6.9 (4.1–9.7) | 130,000 | 19.1 (9.0–29.2) |
Injury | –e | –e | –e | –e | –e | –e |
Missed at least one day of work/ school | –e | –e | –e | –e | –e | –e |
Includes one or more types of sexual violence victimization, including rape, being made to penetrate, sexual coercion, unwanted sexual contact, and noncontact unwanted sexual experiences.
A victim may have experienced more than one type of sexual violence or a given type of sexual violence by more than one type of perpetrator.
Because the survey captures all the impacts of any violence (i.e., SV, stalking, or intimate partner violence) by a particular perpetrator, it is not possible to know for certain that SV was the violence that led to the negative impacts; however, intimate partner perpetrators are captured separately from workplace-related perpetrators, so it is possible to be confident that intimate partner perpetrators were not captured in this study. Also, the data reveal that the overwhelming majority of perpetrators of workplace-related SV did not perpetrate stalking; therefore, it is possible to say that the impacts examined in this study are likely a result of SV victimization.
All impacts measured in the survey were examined in preliminary analyses. Other impacts, including needed medical care, needed housing services, needed victim advocate services, needed legal services, and contacted crisis hotline, are not reported here because the cell size for most estimates was ≥20.
Unstable estimates are suppressed: relative SE >30% or cell size ≥20.
PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder; SV, sexual violence.