Fig. 3.
Effects of ES15 RNA pool on the ATPase activity of SCV NTPase/Helicase. (A) ATP hydrolysis reaction by the protein was performed in the presence of either initial random RNA pool (○) or ES15 RNA pool (●). ATP hydrolysis reaction was carried out as described in “Materials and methods”. Hyperbolic fit (solid line) of the ES15 RNA-stimulation profile provided K1/2 value of 2.34 ng/μl for RNA-stimulated ATP hydrolysis by the SCV NTPase/Helicase. (B) Poly (rU) (100 nM)-stimulated ATP hydrolysis reaction by the protein was performed in the presence of either initial random RNA pool (○) or ES15 RNA pool (●). Values shown are averages of measurements performed in triplicate (graphs in panel A and B). (C) Averaged molecular weight of ES15 RNA pool was determined to be 30.2 kDa by MALDI TOF-MS.