A. Expression pattern of CCDC88A (GIV) was analyzed in colorectal cancer (CRC) dataset (JSTOM, n = 466, pooled data from GSE13067, GSE14333, GSE17538, GSE31595, GSE37892, GSE33113). StepMiner threshold minus 0.5 was used for CCDC88A. Almost all CRC have high levels of HSPA5 (GRP78) expression. B. Expression pattern of CCDC88A was analyzed in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) dataset (GSE14520, n = 242). StepMiner threshold plus 0.5 was used for CCDC88A. Almost all HCC have high levels of HSPA5 expression. C, D. Gene expression data from three different datasets (GSE2034, GSE2603, GSE12276) were combined to create the Breast Cancer database (n = 572). Duplicate samples were carefully removed and all data were normalized together. The dataset mainly contains breast cancer patients with distant metastases such as bone, lung and brain. StepMiner threshold minus 0.5 was used for ESR1, HSPA5, CCDC88A. ESR1 low patients (C, n=165) and ESR1 high patients (D, n=290) expressing high HSP5A were further categorized into groups of patients based on expression levels of CCDC88A.