Fig. 3.
H3K27me3 levels contribute to LOX expression in M2-like macrophages. (A) M0 macrophages were pre-treated with or without GSK-J4 (10 µM) for 30 min. Cells were then treated with IL-4 and IL-13 (20 ng/ml) for 4 h. Histone was extracted from cells, and the expression of H3K27me3 was detected by Western blotting (n = 3) (*p<0.05). (B and C) LOX mRNA and protein expression levels in M2-like macrophages pre-treated with or without GSK-J4 were assessed using real-time RT-PCR (n = 3) and Western blotting (n = 3) (*p<0.05). (D) H3K27me3 levels within the lox promoter region of M2-like macrophages were detected by a ChIP assay (n = 3) (*p<0.05). Graphs show data as the mean ± SD.