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. 2020 Oct 1;48(3):369–383. doi: 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2010.10.005

Table 2.

Included papers illustrating their analytical approach and country of origin.

Papers used a sequential analytic approach (n = 46)
References (country of origin)
Abadia, C.E., Oviedo, D.G., 2009. Bureaucratic Itineraries in Colombia. A theoretical and methodological tool to assess managed-care health care systems. Social Science & Medicine 68 (6), 1153–1160. (South America)
Anderson, K.K., Sebaldt, R.J., Lohfeld, L., Karwalajtys, T., Ismaila, A.S., Goeree, R., Donald, F.C., Burgess, K., Kaczorowski, J., 2008. Patient views on reminder letters for influenza vaccinations in an older primary care patient population: a mixed methods study. Canadian Journal of Public Health 99 (2), 133–136. (Canada)
Aubel, J., Toure, I., Diagne, M., 2004. Senegalese grandmothers promote improved maternal and child nutrition practices: the guardians of tradition are not averse to change. Social Science & Medicine 59 (5), 945–959. (Italy/Sengal)
Bailey, A., Hutter, I., 2008. Qualitative to quantitative: linked trajectory of method triangulation in a study on HIV/AIDS in Goa, India. AIDS Care 20 (9), 1119–1124. (The Netherlands)
Beatty, P.W., Neri, M.T., Bell, K., DeJong, G., 2004. Use of outcomes information in acute inpatient rehabilitation. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 83 (6), 468–478. (USA)
Bennet, I., Switzer, J., Aguirre, A., Evans, K., Barg, F., 2006. ‘Breaking it down’: Patient-clinician communication and prenatal care among African American women of low and higher literacy. Annals of Family Medicine. 4 (4), 334–340. (USA)
Brazier, A., Cooke, K., Moravan, V., 2008. Using mixed methods for evaluating an integrative approach to cancer care: a case study. Integrative Cancer Therapies 7 (1), 5–17. (2008) (Canada)
Canales, M.K., Rakowski, W., 2006. Development of a culturally specific instrument for mammography screening: an example with American Indian women in Vermont. Journal of Nursing Measurement 14 (2), 99–115. (USA)
Cheng, G.Y., 2004. A study of clinical questions posed by hospital clinicians. Journal of the Medical Library Association 92 (4), 445–458. (China)
Cole, M., 2009. Exploring the hand hygiene competence of student nurses: a case of flawed self assessment. Nurse Education Today 29, 380–388. (UK)
Coombes, L., Allen, D., Marsh, M., Foxcroft, D., 2009. The strengthening families programme (SFP) 10–14 and subscale misuse in Barnsley: the perspective of facilitators and families. Child Abuse Review 18 (1), 41–59. (UK)
Cox, P., McNair, R., 2009. Risk reduction as an accepted framework for safer-sex promotion among women who have sex with women. Sexual Health 6 (1), 15–18. (Australia)
Daley, E., Perrin, K., Vamos, C., Webb, C., Mueller, T., Packing-Ebuen, J., Rayko, H., McFarlane, M., and McDermott, R., 2008. HPV knowledge among HPV+ women. American Journal of Health Behaviour 32 (5), 477–487. (USA)
Davila, Y.R., 2006. Increasing nurses’ knowledge and skills for enhanced response to intimate partner violence. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing 37 (4), 171–177. (USA)
Dibb, B., Yardley, L., 2006. Factors important for the measurement of social comparison in chronic illness: a mixed-methods study. Chronic Illness 2 (3), 219–230. (UK)
Goodridge, D., Duggleby, W., Gjevre, J., Rennie, D., 2009. Exploring the quality of dying of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in the intensive care unit: a mixed methods study. Nursing in Critical Care 14 (2), 51–60. (Canada)
Graham, R.J., Pemstein, D.M., Palfrey, J.S., 2008. Included but isolated: early intervention programmes provision for children and families with chronic respiratory support needs. Child: Care, Health and Development 34 (3), 373–379. (USA)
Halcomb, E.J., Davidson, P.M., Griffiths, R., Daly, J., 2008. Cardiovascular disease management: time to advance the practice nurse role? Australian Health Review 32 (1), 44–53. (Australia)
Harding, R., Molloy, T., 2008. Positive futures? The impact of HIV infection on achieving health, wealth and future planning. AIDS care 20 (5), 565–570. (UK)
Hornick, T.R., Higgins, P.A., Stollings, C., Wetzel, L., Barzilai, K., Wolpaw, D., 2006. Initial evaluation of a computer-based medication management tool in a geriatric clinic. The American Journal of Geriatric Pharmacotherapy 4 (1), 62–69. (USA)
Im, E.O., Meleis, A.I., 2001. Women's work and symptoms during midlife: Korean immigrant women. Women & Health 33 (1–2), 83–103. (USA)
Jinks, C., Ong, B.N., Richardson, J., 2007. A mixed methods study to investigate needs assessment for knee pain and disability: population and individual perspectives. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 8, 59. (UK)
Jones, N.R., Haynes, R., 2006. The association between young people's knowledge of sexually transmitted diseases and their behaviour: A mixed methods study. Health, Risk & Society 8 (3), 293–303. (UK)
Kaczorowski, J., Karwalajtys, T., Lohfeld, L., Laryea, S., Anderson, K., Roder, S., Sebaldt, R.J., 2009. Women's views on reminder letters for screening mammography. Canadian Family Physician 55 (6), 622-3.e1-4. (Canada)
Kaldjian, L.C., Jones, E.W., Rosenthal, G.E., Tripp-Reimer, T., Hillis, S.L., 2006. An empirically derived taxonomy of factors affecting physicians’ willingness to disclose medical errors. Journal of General Internal Medicine 21 (9), 942–948. (USA)
Kelly, K.M., Phillips, C.M., Jenkins, C., Norling, G., White, C., Jenkins, T., Armstrong, D., Petrik, J., Steinkuhl, A., Washington, R., Dignan, M., 2007. Physician and staff perceptions of barriers to colorectal cancer screening in Appalachian Kentucky. Cancer Control 14 (2), 167–175. (USA)
King, M., Jones, L., Richardson, A., Murad, S., Irving, A., Aslett, H., Ramsay, A., Coelho, H., Andreou, P., Tookman, A., Mason, C., Nazareth, I., 2008. The relationship between patients’ experiences of continuity of cancer care and health outcomes: a mixed methods study. British Journal of Cancer 98 (3), 529–536. (UK)
Kinter, E.T., Schmeding, A., Rudolph, I., dosReis, S., Bridges, J.F., 2009. Identifying patient-relevant endpoints among individuals with schizophrenia: an application of patient-centered health technology assessment. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care 25 (1), 35–41. (Germany)
Krein, S.L., Kowalski, C.P., Damschroder, L., Forman, J., Kaufman, S.R., Saint, S., 2008. Preventing ventilator-associated pneumonia in the United States: a multicenter mixed-methods study. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 29 (10), 933–940. (USA)
Krouse, R.S., Mohler, M.J., Wendel, C.S., Grant, M., Baldwin, C.M., Rawl, S.M., McCorkle, R., Rosenfeld, K.E., Ko, C.Y., Schmidt, C.M., Coons, S.J., 2006. The VA Ostomy Health-Related Quality of Life Study: objectives, methods, and patient sample. Current Medical Research and Opinion 22 (4), 781–791. (USA)
Lee, G.M., Santoli, J.M., Hannan, C., Messonnier, M.L., Sabin, J.E., Rusinak, D., Gay, C., Lett, S.M., Lieu, T.A., 2007. Gaps in vaccine financing for underinsured children in the United States. JAMA 298 (6), 638–643. (USA)
Leviton, L.C., Finnegan, J.R.J., Zapka, J.G., Meischke, H., Estabrook, B., Gilliland, J., Linares, A., Weitzman, E.R., Raczynski, J., Stone, E., 1999. Formative research methods to understand patient and provider responses to heart attack symptoms. Evaluation and Program Planning 22 (4), 385–397. (USA)
Lukkarinen, H., 2005. Methodological triangulation showed the poorest quality of life in the youngest people following treatment of coronary artery disease: a longitudinal study. International Journal of Nursing Studies 42 (6), 619–627. (Finland)
Nakkash, R., Afifi Soweid, R.A., Nehlawi, M.T., Shediac-Rizkallah, M.C., Hajjar, T.A., Khogali, M., 2003. The development of a feasible community-specific cardiovascular disease prevention program: triangulation of methods and sources. Health Education & Behavior 30 (6), 723–739. (Lebanon)
Norris, C., 2008. Evaluation of a back stability CPD course. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 12, 305–311. (UK)
Portillo, M.C., Corchon, S., Lopez-Dicastillo, O., Cowley, S., 2009. Evaluation of a nurse-led social rehabilitation programme for neurological patients and carers: an action research study. International Journal of Nursing Studies 46 (2), 204–219. (Spain)
Santos, S.R., Carroll, C.A., Cox, K.S., Teasley, S.L., Simon, S.D., Bainbridge, L., Cunningham, M., Ott, L., 2003. Baby boomer nurses bearing the burden of care. Journal of Nursing Administration 33 (4), 243–250. (USA)
Shih, S.N., Gau, M.L., Kao Lo, C.H., Shih, F.J., 2005. Health Needs Instrument for hospitalized single-living Taiwanese elders with heart disease: triangulation research design. Journal of Clinical Nursing 14 (10), 1210–1222. (Taiwan)
Shih, S.N., Gau, M.L., Tsai, J.C., Li, I.C., Liou, Y.M., Shih, F.J., 2008. A Health Need Satisfaction Instrument for Taiwan's single-living older people with chronic disease in the community. Journal of Clinical Nursing 17 (5A), 67–77. (Taiwan)
Shin, Y., Pender, N.J., Yun, S., 2003. Using methodological triangulation for cultural verification of commitment to a plan for exercise scale among Korean adults with chronic diseases. Research in Nursing & Health 26 (4), 312–321. (Korea)
Strolla, L.O., Gans, K.M., Risica, P.M., 2006. Using qualitative and quantitative formative research to develop tailored nutrition intervention materials for a diverse low-income audience. Health Education Research 21 (4), 465–476. (USA)
Sussman, A.L., Williams, R.L., Leverence, R., Gloyd, P.W., Jr., Crabtree, B.F., 2006. The art and complexity of primary care clinicians’ preventive counseling decisions: obesity as a case study. Annals of Family Medicine 4 (4), 327–333. (USA)
Thogersen-Ntoumani, C., Fox, K.R., 2005. Physical activity and mental well-being typologies in corporate employees: A Mixed methods approach. Work & Stress 19 (1), 50–67. (UK)
Weine, S., Knafl, K., Feetham, S., Kulauzovic, Y., Klebic, A., Sclove, S., Besic, S., Mujagic, A., Muzurovis, J., Spahovic, D., 2005. A mixed methods study on refugee families engaging in multiple-family groups. Family Relations 54 (4), 558–568. (USA)
Werrett, J.A., Helm, R.H., Carnwell, R., 2001. The primary and secondary care interface: the educational needs of nursing staff for the provision of seamless care. Journal of Advanced Nursing 34 (5), 629–638. (UK)
Wittink, M.N., Barg, F.K., Gallo, J.J., 2006. Unwritten rules of talking to doctors about depression: Integrating qualitative and quantitative methods. Annals Of Family Medicine 4 (4), 302–309. (USA)

Papers used a parallel analytic approach (n = 98)
References (country of origin)
Andreatta, P.B., Hillard, M.L., Murphy, M.A., Gruppen, L.D., Mullan, P.B., 2009. Short-term outcomes and long-term impact of a programme in medical education for medical students. Medical Education 43 (3), 260–267. (USA)
Arbon, P., Bail, K., Eggert, M., Gardner, A., Hogan, S., Phillips, C., van Dieman, N., Waddington, G., 2009. Reporting a research project on the potential of aged care nurse practitioners in the Australian Capital Territory. Journal of Clinical Nursing 18 (2), 255–262. (Australia)
Aronson, B.S., Rebeschi, L.M., Killion, S.W., 2007. Enhancing evidence bases for interventions in a baccalaureate program. Nursing Education Perspectives 28 (5), 257–262. (USA)
Bachmann, M.O., O’Brien, M., Husbands, C., Shreeve, A., Jones, N., Watson, J., Reading, R., Thoburn, J., Mugford, M., 2009. Integrating children's services in England: national evaluation of children's trusts. Child: Care, Health and Development 35 (2), 257–265. (UK)
Barnes, D., Carpenter, J., Dickinson, C., 2006. The outcomes of partnerships with mental health service users in interprofessional education: a case study. Health & Social Care in the Community 14 (5), 426–435. (UK)
Beecher, B., 2009. Mental health practitioners’ views of the families of individuals with schizophrenia and barriers to collaboration: a mixed methods study. Journal of Family Social Work 12, 264–282. (USA)
Beck, S.L., Towsley, G.L., Caserta, M.S., Lindau, K., Dudley, W.N,. 2009. Symptom experiences and quality of life of rural and urban older adult survivors. Cancer Nursing 32 (5), 359–369. (USA)
Benoit, C., Westfall, R.D., Treloar, A.E.B., Phillips, R.S., Jansson, S.M., 2007. Social factors linked to postpartum depression: A Mixed-methods longitudinal study. Journal of Mental Health 16 (6), 719–730. (Canada)
Bidmead, C., Cowley, S., 2005. Evaluating family partnership training in health visitor practice. Community practitioner 78 (7), 239–245. (UK)
Bogner, H.R., Cahill, E., Frauenhoffer, C., Barg, F.K., 2009. Older primary care patient views regarding antidepressants: a mixed methods approach. Journal of Mental Health 18 (1), 57–64. (USA)
Cartwright, E., Schow, D., Herrera, S., Lora, Y., Mendez, M., Mitchell, D., Pedroza, E., Pedroza, L., Trejo, A., 2006. Using participatory research to build an effective type 2 diabetes intervention: the process of advocacy among female Hispanic farmworkers and their families in Southeast Idaho. Women & Health 43 (4), 89–109. (USA)
Chan, E.A., Chung, J.W., Wong, T.K., 2008. Learning from the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) epidemic. Journal of Clinical Nursing 17 (8), 1023–1034. (Hong Kong)
Cheater, F.M., Hearnshaw, H., Baker, R., Keane, M., 2005. Can a facilitated programme promote effective multidisciplinary audit in secondary care teams? An exploratory trial. International Journal of Nursing Studies 42 (7), 779–791. (UK)
Comino, E.J., Zwar, N.A., Hermiz, O., 2007. The Macarthur GP after-hours service: a model of after-hours care for Australia. Australian Health Review 31 (2), 223–230. (Australia)
dela Cruz, F.A., Brehm, C., Harris, J., 2004. Transformation in family nurse practitioner students’ attitudes toward homeless individuals after participating in a homeless outreach clinic. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners 16 (12), 547–554. (USA)
Davidson, P., Digiacomo, M., Zecchin, R., Clarke, M., Paul, G., Lamb, K., Hancock, K., Chang, E., Daly, J., 2008. A cardiac rehabilitation program to improve psychosocial outcomes of women with heart disease. Journal of Women's Health 17 (1), 123–134. (Australia)
Dodding, C.J., Nasel, D.D., Murphy, M., Howell C., 2008. All in for mental health: a pilot study of group therapy for people experiencing anxiety and/or depression and a significant other of their choice. Mental Health in Family Medicine 5, 41–49. (Australia)
Dongre, A.R., Deshmukh, P.R., Garg, B.S., 2008. Perceptions and health care seeking about newborn danger signs among mothers in rural Wardha. Indian Journal of Pediatrics 75 (4), 325–329. (India)
Donnelly, C., Macmillan, M.S., 2007. Devising and evaluating a model for teaching therapeutic handling and moving skills to complementary therapists. Complementary Therapies in clinical Practice 13, 201–209. (UK)
Ducharme, F., Lebel, P., Lachance, L., Trudeau, D., 2006. Implementation and effects of an individual stress management intervention for family caregivers of an elderly relative living at home: a mixed research design. Research in Nursing & Health 29 (5), 427–441. (Canada)
Duggleby, W., Wright, K., Williams, A., Degner, L., Cammer, A., Holtslander, L., 2007. Developing a living with hope program for caregivers of family members with advanced cancer. Journal of Palliative Care 23 (1), 24–31. (Canada)
Egilson, S.T., Traustadottir, R., 2009. Participation of students with physical disabilities in the school environment. The American Journal of Occupational Therapy 63 (3), 264–272. (Iceland)
Etowa, J., Keddy, B., Egbeyemi, J., Eghan, F., 2007. Depression: the ‘invisible grey fog’ influencing the midlife health of African Canadian women. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing 16 (3), 203–213. (Canada)
Farrell, J., Anderson, S., Hewitt, K., Livingston, M.H., Stewart, D., 2007. A survey of occupational therapists in Canada about their knowledge and use of the ICF. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy 74 Spec No., 221–232. (Canada)
Felton, G., Saunders, R.P., Ward, D.S., Dishman, R.K., Dowda, M., Pate, R.R., 2005. Promoting physical activity in girls: a case study of one school's success. The Journal of School Health 75 (2), 57–62. (USA)
Finn, L.D., Bishop, B., Sparrow, N.H., 2007. Mutual help groups: an important gateway to wellbeing and mental health. Australian Health Review 31 (2), 246–255. (Australia)
Finucane, A., Mercer, S.W., 2006. An exploratory mixed methods study of the acceptability and effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for patients with active depression and anxiety in primary care. BMC Psychiatry 6, 14. (UK)
Flocke, S.A., Gordon, L.E., Pomiecko, G.L., 2006. Evaluation of a community health promotion resource for primary care practices. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 30 (3), 243–251. (USA)
Galantino, M.L., Shepard, K., Krafft, L., Laperriere, A., Ducette, J., Sorbello, A., Barnish, M., Condoluci, D., Farrar, J.T., 2005. The effect of group aerobic exercise and t’ai chi on functional outcomes and quality of life for persons living with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 11 (6), 1085–1092. (USA)
Glik, D.C., Parker, K., Muligande, G., Hategikamana, B., 2005. Integrating qualitative and qualitative survey techniques. 1986–87. International Quarterly of Community Health Education 25 (1–2), 115–133. (USA)
Godley, S.H., Passetti, L.L., White, M.K., 2006. Employment and adolescent alcohol and drug treatment and recovery: an exploratory study. The American Journal on Addictions 15 Suppl. 1, 137–143. (USA)
Graff, M.J., Vernooij-Dassen, M., Zajec, J., Olde-Rikkert, M., Hoefnagels, W., Dekker, J., 2006. How can occupational therapy improve the daily performance and communication of an older patient with dementia and his primary caregiver? A case study. Dementia 5, 503–532. (The Netherlands)
Gustafson, D.L., Goodyear, L., Keough, F., 2008. When the dragon's awake: a needs assessment of people injecting drugs in a small urban centre. The International Journal on Drug Policy 19 (3), 189–194. (Canada)
Happ, M.B., Roesch, T.K., Kagan, S.H., 2005. Patient communication following head and neck cancer surgery: a pilot study using electronic speech-generating devices. Oncolology Nursing Forum 32 (6), 1179–1187. (USA)
Hoffman-Goetz, L., Donelle, L., 2007. Chat room computer-mediated support on health issues for aboriginal women. Health Care for Women International 28 (4), 397–418. (Canada)
Hohenadel, J., Kaegi, E., Laidlaw, J., Kovacik, G., Cortinois, A., Kang, R., Jadad, A.R., 2007. Leveling the playing field: the personal coach program as an innovative approach to assess and address the supportive care needs of underserved cancer patients. The Journal of Supportive Oncology 5 (4), 185–193. (Canada)
Holtzmann, J., Timm, H., 2005. The experiences of and the nursing care for breast cancer patients undergoing immediate breast reconstruction. European Journal of Cancer Care 14 (4), 310–318. (Denmark)
Hoskins, R., Gow, A., McDowell, J., 2007. Corporate solutions to caseload management—an evaluation. Community Practitioner 80 (9), 20–24. (UK)
Huyck, M.H., Ayalon, L., Yoder, J., 2007. Using mixed methods to evaluate the use of a caregiver strain measure to assess outcomes of a caregiver support program for caregivers of older adults. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 22 (2), 160–165. (USA)
Hyrkas, K., Paunonen, M., 2000. Patient satisfaction and research-related problems (Part 2). Is triangulation the answer? Journal of Nursing Management 8 (4), 237–245. part 2 of 2 part paper (Finland)
Hyrkas, K., Paunonen, M., Laippala, P., 2000. Patient satisfaction and research-related problems (Part 1). Problems while using a questionnaire and the possibility to solve them by using different methods of analysis. Journal of Nursing Management 8 (4), 227–236. part 1 of 2 part paper (Finland)
Jurgens, C.Y., Hoke, L., Byrnes, J., Riegel, B., 2009. Why do elders delay responding to heart failure symptoms? Nursing Research 58 (4), 274–282. (USA)
Kaushal, M., Aggarwal, R., Singal, A., Shukla, H., Kapoor, S.K., Paul, V.K., 2005. Breastfeeding practices and health-seeking behavior for neonatal sickness in a rural community. Journal of Tropical Pediatrics 51 (6), 366–376. (India)
Kemp, L.A., Harris, E., Comino, E.J., 2005. Changes in community nursing in Australia: 1995–2000. Journal of Advanced Nursing 49 (3), 307–314. (Australia)
Killaspy, H., Johnson, S., Pierce, B., Bebbington, P., Pilling, S., Nolan, F., King, M., 2009. Successful engagement: a mixed methods study of the approaches of assertive community treatment and community mental health teams in the REACT trial. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 44 (7), 532–540. (UK)
Knifton, L., Walker, A., Quinn, N., 2009. Workplace interventions can reduce stigma. Journal of Public Mental Health 7 (4), 40–50. (UK)
Kramer, M., Schmalenberg, C., Maguire, P., Brewer, B.B., Burke, R., Chmielewski, L., Cox, K., Kishner, J., Krugman, M., Meeks-Sjostrom, D., Waldo, M., 2008. Structures and practices enabling staff nurses to control their practice. Western Journal of Nursing Research 30 (5), 539–559. (USA)
Kubicek, K., Ramirez, M., Limbos, M.A., Iverson, E., 2008. Knowledge and behaviors of parents in planning for and dealing with emergencies. Journal of Community Health 33 (3), 158–168. (USA)
Lacey, E.A., Kalsi, G.S., Macintosh, M.J., 2004. Mixed method evaluation of an innovation to improve secondary prevention of coronary heart disease in primary care. Quality in Primary Care 12, 259–266. (UK)
Latham, J., Moffat, T., 2007. Determinants of variation in food cost and availability in two socioeconomically contrasting neighborhoods of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Health & Place 13, 273–287. (Canada)
Lee, S.Y., Hoerr, S.L., Weatherspoon, L., Schiffman, R.F., 2008. Nutrition students improve attitudes after a guided experiential assignment with older adults. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 40 (5), 279–287. (USA)
Liang, W., Kasman, D., Wang, J.H., Yuan, E.H., Mandelblatt, J.S., 2006. Communication between older women and physicians: preliminary implications for satisfaction and intention to have mammography. Patient Education and Counseling 64 (1–3), 387–392. (USA)
Llewellyn, P., Northway, R., 2007. The views and experiences of learning disability nurses concerning their advocacy education. Nurse Education Today 27 (8), 955–963. (UK)
Macpherson, C.F., 2008. Peer-supported storytelling for grieving pediatric oncology nurses. Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing 25 (3), 148–163. (USA)
Mason, S., O’Keeffe, C., Coleman, P., Edlin, R., Nocholl, J., 2007. Effectiveness of emergency care practitioners working within existing emergency service model of care. Emergency Medical Journal 24, 239–243. (UK)
Mbonye, A.K., Bygbjerg, I.C., Magnussen, P., 2008. Prevention and treatment practices and implications for malaria control in Mukono District Uganda Journal of Biosocial Science 40 (2), 283–296. (Uganda)
McAyley, C., McCurry, N., Knapp, M., Beecham, J., Sleed, M., 2006. Young families under stress: assessing maternal and child well-being using a mixed-methods approach. Child and Family Social Work 11, 43–54. (UK)
Melancon, J., Oomen-Early, J., del Rincon, L.M., 2009. Using the PEN-3 model to assess knowledge, attitudes and beliefs about diabetes type 2 among Mexican American and Mexican Native men and women in North Texas. International Electronic Journal of Health Education 12, 203–221. (USA)
Midtgaard, J., Rorth, M., Stelter, R., Adamsen, L., 2006. The group matters: an explorative study of group cohesion and quality of life in cancer patients participating in physical exercise intervention during treatment. European Journal of Cancer Care 15 (1), 25–33. (Denmark)
Mills, M.E., Murray, L.J., Johnston, B.T., Donnelly, M., 2008. Feasibility of a standardised quality of life questionnaire in a weekly diary format for inoperable lung cancer patients. European Journal of Oncology Nursing 12 (5), 457–463. (UK)
Mimiaga, M.J., Reisner, S.L., Tinsley, J.P., Mayer, K.H., Safren, S.A., 2009. Street workers and internet escorts: contextual and psychosocial factors surrounding HIV risk behavior among men who engage in sex work with other men. Journal of Urban Health 86 (1), 54–66. (USA)
Minvielle, E., Sicotte, C., Champagne, F., Contandriopoulos, A.P., Jeantet, M., Preaubert, N., Bourdil, A., Richard, C., 2008. Hospital performance: competing or shared values? Health Policy 87 (1), 8–19. (France)
Mirza, M., Anandan, N., Madnick, F., Hammel, J., 2006. A participantory program evaluation of a sustem change program to improve access to infomration technology by people with disabilities. Disability and Rehabilitation 28 (19), 1185–1199. (USA)
Mirza, I., Tareen, A., Davidson, L.L., Rahman, A., 2009. Community management of intellectual disabilities in Pakistan: a mixed methods study. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 53 (6), 559–570. (Pakistan)
Monasta, L., Andersson, N., Ledogar, R.J., Cockcroft, A., 2008. Minority health and small numbers epidemiology: a case study of living conditions and the health of children in 5 foreign Roma camps in Italy. American Journal of Public Health 98 (11), 2035–2041. (Italy)
Mortenson, W.B., Miller, W.C., Miller-Pogar, J., 2007. Measuring wheelchair intervention outcomes: development of the wheelchair outcome measure. Disability and rehabilitation. Assistive Technology 2 (5), 275–285. (Canada)
Newton, P.J., Halcomb, E.J., Davidson, P.M., Denniss, A.R., 2007. Barriers and facilitators to the implementation of the collaborative method: reflections from a single site. Quality & Safety in Health Care 16 (6), 409–414. (Australia)
Oh, H.S., Park, H.A., 2004. Decision tree model of the treatment-seeking behaviors among Korean cancer patients. Cancer Nursing 27 (4), 259–266. (Korea)
Oliver, D.P., Wittenberg-Lyles, E., Demiris, G., Washington, K., Porock, D., Day, M., 2008. Barriers to pain management: caregiver perceptions and pain talk by hospice interdisciplinary teams. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 36 (4), 374–382. (UK)
Olson, T., Vera, B., Perez, O., 2006. Preliminary study of OCD and health disparities at the U.S.-boarder. Hispanic Health Care International 4 (2), 89–99. (USA)
Ostler, T., Haight, W., Black, J., Choi, G.Y., Kingery, L., Sheridan, K., 2007. Case series: mental health needs and perspectives of rural children reared by parents who abuse methamphetamine. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 46 (4), 500–507. (USA)
Ralphs-Thibodeau, S., Knoefel, F., Benjamin, K., Leclrec, A., Pisterman, S., Sohmer, J., Scrim, C., 2006. Patient choice: an influencgin factor on policy-related research to decrease bedrail use as physical restrain. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing 3 (1), 31–39. (Canada)
Rosenfeld, A.G., 2004. Treatment-seeking delay among women with acute myocardial infarction: decision trajectories and their predictors. Nursing Research 53 (4), 225–236. (USA)
Sanders, R., Roach, G., 2007. Closing the gap? The effectiveness of referred access family support services. Child & Family Social Work 12 (2), 161–171. (UK)
Shiell, A., Gold, L., 2003. If the price is right: vagueness and values clarification in contingent valuation. Health Economics 12 (11), 909–919. (UK)
Shipman, C., Burt, J., Ream, E., Beynon, T., Richardson, A., Addington-Hall, J., 2008. Improving district nurses’ confidence and knowledge in the principles and practice of palliative care. Journal of Advanced Nursing 63 (5), 494–505. (UK)
Sinha, S., Curtis, K., Jayakody, A., Viner, R., Roberts, H., 2007. ‘People make assumptions about our communities’: sexual health amongst teenagers from black and minority ethnic backgrounds in East london. Ethnicity & Health 12 (5), 423–441. (UK)
Skilbeck, J.K., Payne, S.A., Ingleton, M.C., Nolan, M., Carey, I., Hanson, A., 2005. An exploration of family carers’ experience of respite services in one specialist palliative care unit. Palliative Medicine 19 (8), 610–618. (UK)
Stacey, D., Graham, I.D., O’Connor, A.M., Pomey, M.P., 2005. Barriers and facilitators influencing call center nurses’ decision support for callers facing values-sensitive decisions: a mixed methods study. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing 2 (4), 184–195. (Canada)
Stewart, M., Reutter, L., Letourneau, N., Makwarimba, E., 2009. A support intervention to promote health and coping among homeless youths. The Canadian Journal of Nursing Research 41 (2), 55–77. (Canada)
Suter, E., Hyman, M., Oelke, N., 2007. Measuring key integration outcomes: a case study of a large urban health center. Health Care Management Review 32 (3), 226–235. (Canada)
Sy, A., Glanz, K., 2008. Factors influencing teachers’ implementation of an innovative tobacco prevention curriculum for multiethnic youth: Project SPLASH. The Journal of School Health 78 (5), 264–273. (USA)
Symon, A.G., McStea, B., Murphy-Black, T., 2006. An exploratory mixed-methods study of Scottish midwives’ understandings and perceptions of clinical near misses in maternity care. Midwifery 22 (2), 125–136. (UK)
Thomason, S.S., Evitt, C.P., Harrow, J.J., Love, L., Moore, D.H., Mullins, M.A., Powell-Cope, G., Nelson, A.L., 2007. Providers’ perceptions of spinal cord injury pressure ulcer guidelines. The Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine 30 (2), 117–126. (USA)
Thorpe, K., Loo, R., 2003. Balancing professional and personal satisfaction of nurse managers: current and future perspectives in a changing health care system. Journal of Nursing Management 11 (5), 321–330. (Canada)
Thogersen-Ntoumani, C., Fox, K.R., 2005. Physical activity and mental well-being typologies in corporate employees: A Mixed methods approach. Work & Stress 19 (1), 50–67. (UK)
Tolmie, E.P., Lindsay, G.M., Kelly, T., Tolson, D., Baxter, S., Belcher, P.R., 2009. Are older patients’ cardiac rehabilitation needs being met? Journal of Clinical Nursing 18 (13), 1878–1888. (UK)
Tuicomepee, A., Romano, J.L., 2008. Thai adolescent survivors 1 year after the 2004 tsunami: A mixed methods study. Journal of Counseling Psychology 55 (3), 308–320. (Thailand)
Turnbull, B., Martinez-Andrade, G., Huerfano, N., Ryan, G.W., Martinez, H., 2009. A contrast between mothers’ assessments of child malnutrition and physical anthropometry in rural Mexico: a mixed methods community study. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 41 (3), 201–206. (Mexico)
Valimaki, M., Anttila, M., Hetonen, H., Koivunen, M., Jakobsson, T., Pitkanen, A., Herrala, J., Kusmanen, L., 2008. Design and development process of patient-centered computer-based support system for patients with schizophrenia spectrum psychosis. Informatics for Health & Social Care 33 (2), 113–123. (Finland)
Waitzkin, H., Schillaci, M., Willging, C.E., 2008. Multimethod evaluation of health policy change: an application to Medicaid managed care in a rural state. Health Services Research 43 (4), 1325–1347. (USA)
Waldrop, D.P., 2007. Caregiver grief in terminal illness and bereavement: a mixed-methods study. Health % Social Work 32 (3), 197–206. (USA)
Walters, J.A., Hansen, E.C., Johns, D.P., Blizzard, E.L., Walters, E.H., Wood-Baker, R., 2008. A mixed methods study to compare models of spirometry delivery in primary care for patients at risk of COPD. Thorax 63 (5), 408–414. (Australia)
Ward, M., Cowman, S., 2007. Job satisfaction in psychiatric nursing. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 14 (5), 454–461. (Ireland)
Williamson, K.M., 2007. Home health care nurses’ perceptions of empowerment. Journal of Community Health Nursing 24 (3), 133–153. (USA)
Williamson, G.R., Webb, C., Abelson-Mitchell, N., 2004. Developing lecturer practitioner roles using action research. Journal of Advanced Nursing 47 (2), 153–164. (UK)
Wilson, M.G., Goetzel, R.Z., Ozminkowski, R.J., DeJoy, D.M., Della, L., Roemer, E.C., Schneider, J., Tully, K.J., White, J.M., Baase, C.M., 2007. Using formative research to develop environmental and ecological interventions to address overweight and obesity. Obesity 15 Suppl. 1, 37S–47S. (USA)
Wye, L., Digby, K., 2008. Building research capacity amongst kinesiologists: results from a mixed methods study. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 14 (1), 65–72. (UK)

Papers used a concurrent analytic approach (n = 20)
References (country of origin)
Bussing, R., Koro-Ljungberg, M.E., Gary, F., Mason, D.M., Garvan, C.W., 2005. Exploring help-seeking for ADHD symptoms: a mixed-methods approach. Harvard Review of Psychiatry 13 (2), 85–101. (USA)
Dickson, V.V., McCauley, L.A., Riegel, B., 2008. Work-heart balance: the influence of biobehavioral variables on self-care among employees with heart failure. AAOHN Journal 56 (2), 63–73. (USA)
Girot, E., Rickaby, C., 2008. Education for new role development: the Community Matron in England. Journal of Advanced Nursing 64 (1), 38–48. (UK)
Harvey, W.J., Reid, G., Bloom, G.A., Staples, K., Grizenko, N., Mbekou, V., Ter-Stepanian, M., Joober, R., 2009. Physical activity experiences of boys with and without ADHD. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly 26, 131–150. (USA)
Hatonen, H., Kuosmanen, L., Malkavaara, H., Valimaki, M., 2008. Mental health: patients’ experiences of patient education during inpatient care. Journal of Clinical Nursing 17 (6), 752–762. (Finland)
Hildon, Z., Smith, G., Netuveli, G., Blane, D., 2008. Understanding adversity and resilience at older ages. Sociology of health & illness 30 (5), 726–740. (UK)
Hodges, P., 2009. Factors impacting readmissions of older patients with heart failure. Critical Care Nursing Quarterly 32 (1), 33–43. (USA)
Holt, C.L., Schulz, E., Wynn, T.A., 2009. Perceptions of the religion—health connection among African Americans in the southeastern United States: sex, age, and urban/rural differences. Health Education & Behavior 36 (1), 62–80. (USA)
Kartalova-O’Doherty, Y., Doherty, D.T., 2008. Coping strategies and styles of family carers of persons with enduring mental illness: a mixed methods analysis. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences 22 (1), 19–28. (Ireland)
Kartalova-O’Doherty, Y., Tedstone Doherty, D., 2009. Satisfied carers of persons with enduring mental illness: who and why? The International Journal of Social Psychiatry 55 (3), 257–271. (Ireland)
Knox, A.B., Underbaake, G., McBride, P.E., Mejicano, G.C., 2001. Organization development strategies for continuing medical education. The Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions 21 (1), 15–23. (USA)
Lehna, C., McNeil, J., 2008. Mixed-methods exploration of parents’ health information understanding. Clinical Nursing Research 17 (2), 133–144. (USA)
Lemon, S.C., Zapka, J.G., Estabrook, B., Benjamin, E., 2006. Challenges to research in urban community health centers. American Journal of Public Health 96 (4), 626–628. (USA)
Luck, L., Jackson, D., Usher, K., 2008. Innocent or culpable? Meanings that emergency department nurses ascribe to individual acts of violence. Journal of Clinical Nursing 17, 1071–1078. (Australia)
Marsiglia, F.F., Miles, B.W., Dustman, P., Sills, S., 2002. Ties That Protect: An Ecological Perspective on Latino/a Urban Pre-Adolescent Drug Use. Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work 11 (3–4), 191–220. (USA)
Powers, B.A., Watson, N.M., 2008. Meaning and practice of palliative care for nursing home residents with dementia at end of life. American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias 23 (4), 319–325. (USA)
Proctor, E.K., Hasche, L., Morrow-Howell, N., Shumway, M., Snell, G., 2008. Perceptions about competing psychological problems and treatment priorities among older adults with depression. Psychiatric Services 59 (6), 670–675. (USA)
Riegel, B., Vaughan Dickson, V., Goldberg L.R., Deatrick, J.A., 2007. Factors associated with the development of expertice in heart failure self-care. Nursing Research 56 (4), 235–243. (USA)
Sands, N., 2004. Mental health triage nursing: an Australian perspective. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 11 (2), 150–155. (Australia)
Yang, S., 2008. A mixed methods study on the needs of Korean families in the intensive care unit. Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing 25 (4), 79–86. (South Korea)

Papers used a combination of analytic approaches (n = 4)
References (country of origin)
Juvonen-Posti, P., Piirainen, K., Kallanranta, T., Keinanen-Kiukaanniemi, S., 2004. The reality of returning to work and training: experiences from a long-term unemployment project. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research 27 (3), 215–227. (Finland)a
Merkouris, A., Papathanassoglou, E.D., Lemonidou, C., 2004. Evaluation of patient satisfaction with nursing care: quantitative or qualitative approach? International Journal of Nursing Studies 41 (4), 355–367. (Greece)b
Tanna, N.K., Pitkin, J., Anderson, C., 2005. Development of the specialist menopause pharmacist (SMP) role within a research framework. Pharmacy World & Science 27 (1), 61–67. (UK)c
Thompson, C., McCaughan, D., Cullum, N., Sheldon, T., Raynor, P., 2005. Barriers to evidence-based practice in primary care nursing—why viewing decision-making as context is helpful. Journal of Advanced Nursing 52 (4), 432–444. (UK)c

Sequential and concurrent.


Parallel and concurrent.


Sequential and parallel.