Place patient in a negative pressure, specially vented room
Maintain a log of all persons entering the patient's room
Restrict visitors as much as possible
Limit the number of hospital personnel caring for the patient
All health care workers entering the room should use a combination of contact (gowns, gloves, hand hygiene) and airborne (N-95 respirator) precautions and eye protection
Do not bring pens, hospital charts, etc, in and out of the patient's room
Minimize air turbulence when changing linens
Clean surfaces in the room carefully and frequently with EPA-registered hospital-grade disinfectant
Limit cough-inducing procedures (sputum induction, administration of nebulized medications, suctioning, bronchoscopy)
Avoid use of noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (eg, CPAP, BiPAP)
For patients receiving mechanical ventilation, use closed-suctioning devices, HEPA filtration on exhalation valve port
Educate personnel involved in the care of these patients to be vigilant for symptoms of SARS for 10 days after contact with the patient
Quarantine personnel with unprotected contact with a SARS patient during an aerosol-generating procedure