Fig. 5. PC3 2D and BME culture dose-response curve to docetaxel.
A. Time line of docetaxel treatment in 2D vs. 3D culture ± dhMSCs. B. Dose-response curve based on photon emission by luciferase-positive PC3 treated with docetaxel on cell culture plate. 2 independent experiments were performed, in triplicate. One representative experiment is shown, means ± SD. C. PC3 DC tumoroids treated with 0nM, 0.3nM, 3nM and 30nM of docetaxel at day 12, +/−dhMSCs detected by epifluorescence microscopy. Tumoroid growth was monitored by fluorescence intensity analysis. 3 independent experiments were performed, with 3 scaffolds per condition; one representative experiment is shown, means ± SD. Bar, 500 μm. (*) p<0.05; (**) p< 0.01 by Student’s T-test, two tailed. D. Schematic representation of the tumoroids seeded on BME, showing the core and the dhMSC-interface. E. PC3 DC cells (nucleus, H2B-eGFP) 2 days post-treatment with 0 or 30 nM docetaxel, in both core and dhMSC-interface areas, detected by confocal microscopy. Green arrowhead, apoptotic nuclei in the core; red arrowhead, apoptotic nuclei at the dhMSC-interface. The number of apoptotic nuclei is shown. Data represent the means ± SD from 3 independent experiments with 3 scaffolds/time point. Bar, 5 μm. (*) p<0.05 by Student’s T-test, two tailed.