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. 2018 Oct 23;44(12):2025–2037. doi: 10.1007/s00134-018-5412-5

Table 4.

Subgroup analysis: social questionnaire regarding annual income and educational level with selected outcome parameters

Total population, n = 289 Low educational levela, n = 64 Intermediate educational levelb, n = 114 High educational levelc, n = 111 p value
FDep − 0.6 [− 1.9; 0] − 0.6 [− 1.6; 0] − 0.4 [− 1.4; 0.5] − 1.2 [− 2.2; − 0.2] < 0.001
FDep ≤ 0, nondeprived, no. (%) 214 (74.0%) 47 (73.4%) 73 (64%) 94 (84.7%)
FDep > 0, deprived, no. (%) 75 (26.0%) 17 (26.6%) 41 (36%) 17 (15.3%)
MCS 12 months* 59.7 [37.4; 78.9] 51.4 [31.6; 72.9] 58 [35.5; 77] 65.8 [39.6; 81.2] 0.087
PCS 12 months* 55 [33.4; 80] 47.8 [30.5; 66] 54.4 [33.8; 75.8] 66.9 [35; 86.2] 0.035
ICU length of stay 12 [7, 19] 13 [6.8; 23] 11.5 [7; 17.8] 11 [6, 19] 0.567
Hospital length of stay 28.5 [22.2; 45.8] 27 [16.8; 44.5] 24 [15; 39] 22 [12; 34] 0.068
Low annual income, no. (%) 78 (27.0%) 27 (56.2%) 32 (36%) 19 (20.2%) < 0.001
Intermediate annual income, no. (%) 121 (41.9%) 19 (39.6%) 53 (59.6%) 49 (52.1%) < 0.001
High annual income, no. (%) 32 (11.1%) 2 (4.2%) 4 (4.5%) 26 (27.7%) < 0.001
Total population, n = 243 Low annual incomed, n = 84 Intermediate annual incomee, n = 127 High annual incomef, n = 32 p value
FDep − 0.6 [− 2; − 0.1] − 0.6 [− 2; 0] − 0.6 [− 1.8; − 0.1] − 1.1 [− 2.1; 0.1] 0.701
FDep ≤ 0, nondeprived, no. (%) 184 (75.7%) 63 (75%) 98 (77.2%) 23 (71.9%) 0.808
FDep > 0, deprived, no. (%) 59 (24.3%) 21 (25%) 29 (22.8%) 9 (28.1%) 0.808
MCS 12 months* 60.3 [36; 77.9] 46.2 [32.7; 65.2] 64.7 [40; 78] 77.6 [63.1; 85.6] < 0.001
PCS 12 months* 58.3 [33.1; 80.6] 44.4 [28.1; 73.1] 58.1 [34.8; 80] 83.1 [56.9; 90] 0.001
ICU length of stay 12 [6, 19] 9 [5; 15.2] 13 [7; 21.5] 16 [8, 22] 0.011
Hospital length of stay 23 [14; 38.5] 20 [12.8; 33.2] 27 [16; 40.5] 24 [14.5; 32.5] 0.06

FDep French Deprivation Index, ICU intensive care unit, MCS mental component scale, PCS physical component scale

*Within 1 year of ICU discharge

aPrimary school: ”enseignement primaire”,“niveau college”

bUndergraduate/high school: “enseignement technique court”, “niveau lycée”

cPostgraduate: “1er, 2e, 3e cycle de l’enseignement ” 

d< 8000–12,000 €

e12,000–50,000 €

f> 50,000–≥ 100,000 €