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. 2020 Mar 25;2020(3):CD001277. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD001277.pub4

1. Characteristics of the included studies.

Study (country) N randomised Intervention Comparator Outcomes Duration
of intervention
Follow‐up Participants' baseline characteristics
Mean agea (years) Male (%) Asthma severity
Aggarwal 2013
 (India) 100 Yoga Inactive control (not practising yoga) LF 3 months NF NR NR Mild to moderate persistent
Agnihotri 2016
 (India) 276 Yoga Usual care LF 6 months NF NR NR Mild to moderate persistent
Agnihotri 2018
 (India) 300 Yoga Usual care QoL 6 months NF NR NR Mild to moderate persistent
Bidwell 2012
 (USA) 19 Yoga Inactive control (not practising yoga or any breathing exercise) QoL, LF 10 weeks NF 40.0 to 43.0 0 Mild to moderate
Fluge 1994
 (Germany) 36 Yoga Inactive control (no additional treatment) LF 3 weeks NF 48.8 38.9 Mild
Girodo 1992
 (Canada) 55 Deep diaphragmatic breathing Inactive control (waiting list) Asthma symptoms 16 weeks 8 weeks 28.6 to 32.9 40.0 NR
Grammatopoulou 2011
 (Greece) 40 Breathing retraining Inactive control (no additional treatment) QoL, asthma control, hyperventilation symptoms, LF, capnography 6 months NF 45.4 to 48.1 57.5 Mild to moderate
Gupta 2015
 (India) 100 Yoga Usual care LF 3 months NF NR NR NR
Holloway 2007
 (UK) 85 Papworth Usual care QoL, hyperventilation symptoms, LF, capnography 6 months 6 months 49.3 to 50.2 42.3 Mild to moderate
Malarvizhi 2018
 (India) 250 Yoga Usual care QoL 6 months NF NR 55.6 Mild to moderate
Nagarathna 1985
 (India) 106 Yoga Usual care LF, exacerbations 54 months NF 26.4    
Prasanna 2015
 (India) 100 Buteyko Usual care LF, asthma symptoms 2 months NF 37.4 to 40.4 38.0 NR
Prem 2013
 (India) 120 Buteyko and pranayama Usual care QoL, asthma symptoms, LF 3 months NF 35 to 41 39.2 Mild to moderate
Pushpa 2018
 (India) 60 Yoga Usual care LF 8 weeks NF 31.0 to 32.7 33.3 Mild to moderate
Satpathy 2016
 (India) 71 Yoga Usual care Exacerbations, dyspnoea, asthma symptoms 4 months NF 25.0 to 25.3 100.0 Persistent, chronic
Singh 2012
 (India) 60 Yoga Inactive control (no additional treatment) QoL, LF 2 months NF NR NR Mild to moderate
Sodhi 2009
 (India) 120 Yoga Usual care QoL, LF 8 weeks NF 35.5 to 38.8 59.2 Mild to moderate
Thomas 2003
 (UK) 33 Breathing retraining Asthma education QoL, hyperventilation symptoms 6 months NF 48.8 to 48.9 21.2 NR
Thomas 2009
 (UK) 183 Breathing retraining Asthma education QoL, asthma control, hyperventilation symptoms, LF, capnography 6 months NF 46.0b 45.9 Mild to moderate
Thomas 2017
 (UK) 655 Breathing retraining Usual care QoL, asthma control, airway inflammation, hyperventilation symptoms 12 months NF 57.0 36.0 Mild to moderate
Vedanthan 1998
 (USA) 17 Yoga Usual care LF, asthma symptoms 16 weeks NF 26.5 47.0 Mild to moderate
Vempati 2009
 (India) 57 Yoga Usual care QoL, LF 8 weeks NF 33.4 to 33.5 36.8 Mild to moderate
LF: lung function; N: number of participants; NF: no follow‐up; NR: not reported; QoL: quality of life    

aRange across treatment arms reported where overall data were not reported.
 bMedian and IQR.