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. 2020 Mar 25;10:5462. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-62165-x

Figure 5.

Figure 5

Stimulus design and processing steps. (A) Example stimuli with 5% (red border), 20% (green border), and 80% (blue border) luminance contrast. (B) Example anatomical slice with visual field map definition overlay. Inset: slab positioning for functional data acquisition. (C) Anatomical slice with volume-preserving depth map (colored), and visual field map (dashed lines) overlay. (D) Anatomical slice with t-statistical map (colored), and visual field map (dashed lines) overlay. This illustrates the accuracy of the registration. This statistical map is only used for illustrative purposes. (E) Example time-series. Colors correspond to luminance contrast presentations with the same color-code as (A). Colored bars represent when the stimulus was shown, transparent bars represent the presentation of mean-luminance baseline. (F) Averaged block responses at relative cortical depth 0.1 and 0.5, where 0 is the gray/white matter border, and 1 is the gray matter/cerebrospinal fluid border. The line color corresponds to responses elicited by the luminance contrasts as in (A). Error regions represent 95% confidence intervals (+/−1.96 standard errors) of the mean across repeated stimulus presentations for V1. Gray rectangle represents when a stimulus was presented. Dashed box represents the time points included in the analysis.