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. 2020 Mar 25;10:5447. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-61799-1

Figure 4.

Figure 4

Volume of white matter regions in the DS group relative to the volume of the same regions in the TD group. Following registration into the DT template, Ln-J mean values for the DS and TD groups were computed for most of the regions described in the JHU white matter atlas (Oishi et al. 2008) plus additional regions (noted with a + sign) relevant for the current investigation. Then the difference in Ln-J for the two groups was calculated (DS Ln-J mean – TD Ln-J mean). These difference values were ranked from most negative (DS smaller volume than TD) to positive (DS larger volume than TD) and are color-coded by the pathway type. Error bars represent the standard deviation of the Ln-J for the DS group. On the X-axis, we report the Ln-J difference as well as the average volume for the DS group expressed as percentage of the average volume of the TD group. In addition, we note with an asterisk regions in which t-tests comparing that ROI’s volume between groups were statistically significant (p < 0.05) following Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons.