Figure 1.
On the seizures dynamics. A, Time series of the Epileptor model (its enlarged view is shown on the right), the first (middle), and second (bottom) subsystem are plotted showing the principal components of a seizure-like event, that is an interictal period with no spikes, emergence of preictal spikes, ictal onset, seizure evolution, and emergence of sharp-wave events toward ictal offset. ψ, ψ1, and ψ2 correspond to , x1, and x2 respectively. B, The trajectory of the whole system is sketched in the (y1, ψ, z) phase space. Seizure offset and ictal onset emerge through the z evolution. Here all stochastic simulations were performed with Gaussian white noise using the Euler–Mayurama method. Main parameters values: m = 0, x0 = −1.6, and r = 0.00035. Initial conditions are [0 −5 3 0 0 0.01].