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. 2020 Mar 16;7(2):ENEURO.0485-18.2019. doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0485-18.2019

Figure 50.

Figure 50.

Parameter space of the fast-slow subsystem with respect to the parameters m and x0. There are 10 areas separated by a boundary (bold line), above which LC exists, and below it does not. For large values of m and x0 (area I) only LC exists. The adjacent area II shows the bistability of LC and a stable focus. Both attractors are separated by a saddle periodic orbit. In the middle, LC coexists with the SLE attractor separated by a saddle periodic orbit. SLE occurs via a saddle-node/saddle-node bifurcation (area VI) and a saddle-node/homoclinic bifurcation (area VII). In area VIII, the HB is not completed and gives rise to another (coexisting) stable periodic orbit with a small amplitude. In area V, DB coexists with LC. In area IX, normal brain activity and LC coexist. In area X, only normal activity exists.