Cochrane Ear, Nose and Throat Disorders Group Trials Register |
PubMed |
EMBASE (Ovid) |
#1 MeSH descriptor Tonsillectomy explode all trees
#2 MeSH descriptor Palatine Tonsil explode all trees
#3 tonsil* OR adenotonsil*
#4 (#1 OR #2 OR #3)
#5 MeSH descriptor Dissection explode all trees
#6 MeSH descriptor Ligation, this term only
#7 MeSH descriptor Electrosurgery explode all trees
#8 MeSH descriptor Electrocoagulation explode all trees
#9 MeSH descriptor Diathermy explode all trees
#10 MeSH descriptor Microsurgery explode all trees
#11 scissor* OR dissect* OR cold NEXT knife OR ligat* OR sutur* OR snar*
#12 electrodissect* OR electr* NEAR dissect* OR electr* NEAR ablat* OR electr* NEAR coagula* OR electrocoagula* OR electrocauter* OR electr* NEAR cauter* OR electrosurg* OR electr* NEAR surg* OR bovie OR fulgurat* OR diatherm* OR electrodiatherm* OR electr* NEXT diatherm* OR thermocauter* OR thermocoagulat* OR galvanocauter* OR endotherm* OR inductotherm* OR microscop* OR bipolar OR monopolar OR microsurg* OR microbipolar OR micromonopolar OR microcoagulat* OR hot NEXT knife
#13 (#5 OR #6 OR #7 OR #8 OR #9 OR #10 OR #11 OR #12)
#14 (#4 AND #13) |
(tonsil* OR adenotonsil*) AND (scissor* OR scalpel OR dissect* OR "cold knife" OR ligat* OR sutur* OR snar* OR electr* OR bovie OR fulgurat* OR diatherm* OR thermocauter* OR thermocoagulat* OR galvanocauter* OR endotherm* OR inductotherm* OR microscop* OR bipolar OR monopolar OR microsurg* OR microbipolar OR micromonopolar OR microcoagulat* OR "hot knife") |
#7 Search #5 AND #6
#6 Search #3 OR #4
#5 Search #1 OR #2
#4 Search "electrosurgery" [tiab] OR "eletrocoagulation" [Mesh] OR "Diathermy" [Mesh] OR "Microsurgery" [Mesh] OR electrodissect* [tiab] OR (electro* [tiab] AND ablat* [tiab]) OR (electro* [tiab] AND coagulat* [tiab]) OR electrocoagula* [tiab] OR electrocauter* [tiab] OR (electro* [tiab] AND cauter* [tiab]) OR diatherm* [tiab] OR thermocauter* [tiab] OR thermocoagulat* [tiab] OR galvanocauter* [tiab] OR endotherm* [tiab] OR inductotherm* [tiab] OR bipolar [tiab] OR monopolar [tiab] OR microsurg* [tiab] OR microbipolar [tiab] OR micromonopolar [tiab] OR microcoagulat* [tiab] OR "hot knife" [tiab] OR electrosurg* [tiab] OR bovie [tiab] OR fulgurat* [tiab]
#3 Search "Dissection" [Mesh] OR scissor* [tiab] OR dissect* [tiab] OR "cold knife" [tiab] OR "ligation" [Mesh] OR ligat* [tiab] OR sutur* [tiab] OR snar* [tiab]
#2 Search "tonsillitis" [Mesh] OR "palatine tonsil" [Mesh] OR tonsil* OR adenotonsil* [tiab]
#1 Search “Tonsillectomy” [Mesh] |
1 exp tonsillectomy/
2 exp tonsil disease/su [Surgery]
3 exp tonsil/
4 exp tonsillitis/
5 (tonsil* or adenotonsil* OR posttonsillectom*)
6 1 OR 2 OR 3 OR 4 OR 5
8 (scissor* or scalpel or dissect* or (cold adj knife)).ti,ab
10 (ligat* or sutur* or snar*).ti,ab.
14 (electrodissect* or (electr* adj5 dissect*) or (electr* adj5 ablat*) or (electr* adj5 coagula*) or electrocoagula* or electrocauter* or (electr* adj5 cauter*)).ti,ab.
15 (electrosurg* or (electr* adj5 surg*) or bovie or fulgurat*).ti,ab.
16 (diatherm* or electrodiatherm* or (electr* adj diatherm*) or thermocauter* or thermocoagulat* or galvanocauter* or endotherm* or inductotherm*).ti,ab.
17 (microscop* or bipolar or monopolar or microsurg* or microbipolar or micromonopolar or microcoagulat* or (hot adj knife)).ti,ab.
18 7 OR 8 OR 9 OR 10 OR 11 OR 12 OR 13 OR 14 OR 15 OR 16 OR 17
19 6 AND 18 |
Web of Science |
BIOSIS Previews (Web of Knowledge) |
CAB Abstracts |
#3 #1 AND #2
#2 TI=(scissor* or scalpel or dissect* or (cold adj knife) OR ligat* or sutur* or snar* OR electrodissect* or (electr* adj5 dissect*) or (electr* adj5 ablat*) or (electr* adj5 coagula*) or electrocoagula* or electrocauter* or (electr* adj5 cauter*) OR electrosurg* or (electr* adj5 surg*) or bovie or fulgurat* OR diatherm* or electrodiatherm* or (electr* adj diatherm*) or thermocauter* or thermocoagulat* or galvanocauter* or endotherm* or inductotherm* OR microscop* or bipolar or monopolar or microsurg* or microbipolar or micromonopolar or microcoagulat* or (hot adj knife))
#1 TI=(tonsil* or adenotonsil*) |
#3 #1 AND #2
#2 TI=(scissor* or scalpel or dissect* or (cold adj knife) OR ligat* or sutur* or snar* OR electrodissect* or (electr* adj5 dissect*) or (electr* adj5 ablat*) or (electr* adj5 coagula*) or electrocoagula* or electrocauter* or (electr* adj5 cauter*) OR electrosurg* or (electr* adj5 surg*) or bovie or fulgurat* OR diatherm* or electrodiatherm* or (electr* adj diatherm*) or thermocauter* or thermocoagulat* or galvanocauter* or endotherm* or inductotherm* OR microscop* or bipolar or monopolar or microsurg* or microbipolar or micromonopolar or microcoagulat* or (hot adj knife))
#1 TI=(tonsil* or adenotonsil*) |
1 (tonsil* or adenotonsil*).ti,ab.
2 (scissor* or scalpel or dissect* or (cold adj knife)).ti,ab.
3 (ligat* or sutur* or snar*).ti,ab.
4 (electrodissect* or (electr* adj5 dissect*) or (electr* adj5 ablat*) or (electr* adj5 coagula*) or electrocoagula* or electrocauter* or (electr* adj5 cauter*)).ti,ab.
5 (electrosurg* or (electr* adj5 surg*) or bovie or fulgurat*).ti,ab.
6 (diatherm* or electrodiatherm* or (electr* adj diatherm*) or thermocauter* or thermocoagulat* or galvanocauter* or endotherm* or inductotherm*).ti,ab.
7 (microscop* or bipolar or monopolar or microsurg* or microbipolar or micromonopolar or microcoagulat* or (hot adj knife)).ti,ab.
8 3 OR 4 OR 5 OR 6 OR 7
9 1 AND 8 |
tonsil% or adenotonsil% or posttonsillectom% |