Figure 1. The two mechanisms by which pandemic influenza originates.
In 1918, the 'Spanish influenza' H1N1 virus, closely related to an avian virus, adapted to replicate efficiently in humans. In 1957 and 1968, reassortment events led to, respectively, the 'Asian influenza' H2N2 virus and the 'Hong Kong influenza' H3N2 virus. The 'Asian influenza' H2N2 virus acquired three genetic segments from an avian species (a haemagglutinin (H), a neuraminidase (N) and a polymerase (PB1) gene). The 'Hong Kong influenza' H3N2 virus acquired two genetic segments from an avian species (H and PB1). Future pandemic strains could arise through either mechanism. Figure adapted, with permission, from Ref. 7 © (2005) Massachusetts Medical Society.