Figure 7.
IKur maintains brief action potential (AP) configuration in untubulated atrial myocytes, promoting early afterdepolarization (EADs) driven by nonequilibrium INa during hypokalemia. A, In tubulated atrial myocytes, hypokalemia-induced EADs were frequently associated with Ca2+ waves. B, Buffering of intracellular Ca2+ with patch pipettes containing 60 µmol/L EGTA reduced EAD incidence in tubulated cells. However, in untubulated cells, EADs remained present and were observed to be triggered during rapid AP repolarization from negative potentials (arrow). C, Incidence of EADs in tubulated and untubulated atrial myocytes (−EGTA: ncells=10, 14 from 7, 8 hearts; +EGTA: ncells=10, 11 from 6, 9 hearts). D, AP configuration in tubulated and untubulated atrial cells (ncells=21, 48 from 12, 20 hearts). E, EADs observed in hypokalemic, untubulated atrial myocytes were inhibited by rapid application of 1 µmol/L TTX (top) or 10 mmol/L caffeine (bottom). F, Short AP configuration in untubulated atrial myocytes was associated with larger outward steady-state K+ current than in tubulated cells (protocol described in Online Figure IIA; ncells=11, 22 in tubulated, untubulated from 6, 11 hearts). G, Top: steady-state current remained larger in untubulated cells after inhibition of ITO (1 s prepulse to +50 mV, see Online Figure III; ncells=9, 9 in tubulated, untubulated from 5, 6 hearts), but not following addition of 50 µmol/L 4-AP to inhibit IKur (bottom, Ko=5.0: ncells=6, 8 from 5, 4 hearts; Ko=2.7: ncells=6, 6 from 4, 3 hearts). H, IKur inhibition prolonged APD75 in untubulated atrial cells during hypokalemia (ncells=7 from 3 hearts). I, Inclusion of AP waveforms in a mathematical model of the human atrial cardiomyocyte linked EADs triggered during Ca2+ quiescence to reactivation of nonequilibrium INa, parallel involvement of a small, forward-mode NCX current (INCX), and subsequent recruitment of L-type Ca2+ current. Statistics: (C): z-test; (D, F, G, H): 2-way ANOVA with Bonferroni correction. D, Difference in means: P=1.19×10−3 for tubulated vs untubulated, P=1.77×10−7 for Ko=5.0 vs Ko=2.7. H, Difference in means: P=0.114. Full results of (F) and (G) are presented in Online Tables IV and V. *P<0.05 vs untubulated and †P<0.05 vs Ko=5.0.