Figure 2.
Genetic and molecular heterogeneity in aldosterone-producing adenoma (APA). A, Heterogeneous aldosterone synthase (CYP11B2) staining in APA from 3 patients. DNA was extracted from 4 CYP11B2-positive regions and 4 regions with mostly negative expression of CYP11B2 from patient 40, 1 CYP11B2-positive region and 1 region mostly negative for CYP11B2 from patient 50 (top), and 2 CYP11B2-positive regions with different degree of its expression and 1 tumor region mostly negative for CYP11B2 from case 2 (bottom, right). Determination of CYP11B2 mRNA expression from different tumor regions from case 2 (bottom, left). B, Results of next-generation sequencing (NGS) performed in multiple tumor regions with different CYP11B2 expression levels in APA. B2T indicates CYP11B2-expressing tumor region; FFPE, formalin fixed paraffin embedded; N, adjacent normal adrenal; and VAF, variant allele frequency. *Flow-corrected read depth.