Fig 1. Pearson correlations among grain size variance and yield components.
The diagonal panels show histograms for each trait. The lower and upper triangular panels, respectively, show scatter plots and Pearson correlation coefficients between the two traits. GSV: Grain size variance, SPM2: number of spikes per m2, GPS: number of grains per spike, GPM2: number of grains/m2, TKW: thousand kernel weight (g at 15% moisture content), GY: Grain yield (t/ha at 15% moisture content). E1 (well-watered, 2016); E2 (water-deficit, 2016); E3 (well-watered, 2017); E4 (water-deficit, 2017). ‘.’: P-value<0.1; ‘*’: P-value<0.05; ‘**’: P-value<0.01; ‘***’: P-value<0.001.