Figure 5.
IRS4PVH neurons are necessary for normal feeding and bodyweight. A Cre-dependent adeno-associated virus expresses tetanus toxin A and GFP exclusively in Cre-expressing neurons to inhibit synaptic vesicle exocytosis and GFP visualization of the transduced cells (A). (B) Example hit site of IRS4-iCre mice injected with AAV-Flex-TetTox (PVHTetTox). Bilateral IRS4PVH neuronal silencing in IRS4-iCre mice (PVHTetTox) results in both increased bodyweight (C) and increased bodyweight gain (D) in comparison to IRS4-iCre mice injected with a control AAV (PVHFlex) or wildtype mice injected with AAV-Flex-TetTox (WTTetTox, mixed-model analysis followed by Tukey’s post-hoc). (E) PVHTetTox mice (blue) show increased 7-day food intake at early stages of the study (left) in comparison to WTTetTox mice (orange; one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s post-hoc) whereas later stage food intake shows a trend towards increased feeding (dark blue, one-way ANOVA). (F) PVHTetTox mice show have increased fat mass percentages (F) at early and late stages of obesity development (one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s post-hoc). (G–J) 3-day averages of CLAMS measurements were measured during weeks 2–4 of experiments and compared across groups. While PVHTetTox mice show a trend towards decreased energy expenditure (I), none of these groups are significantly different from one another (one-way ANOVA. Average values ± SEM are shown, *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, ****p < 0.0001 compared to WTTetTox; Ƹp < 0.05, Ƹ Ƹp < 0.01, Ƹ Ƹ Ƹp < 0.001 compared to PVHFlex; BW/feeding: PVHTetTox n = 6, PVHFlex n = 17, WTTetTox n = 13; body composition: PVHTetTox early n = 6, PVHTetTox late n = 5, PVHFlex early n = 10, PVHFlex late n = 17, WTTetTox n = 11; CLAMS: PVHTetTox n = 6, PVHFlex n = 8, WTTetTox n = 13.