FIG 1.
Maps of pCF10 and the pCF10 prgX-prgQ regulatory region. Transcripts shown are expressed from promoter PQ, with or without induction by C. (A) Map showing the extended QOp transcript and genes for which HCR transcript-labeling probes were designed. Early QOp transcripts (QL prgA, and prgB) for which HCR probes were designed are boxed in blue, and late QOp transcripts (prgJ, pcfC, and pcfG) for which HCR probes were designed are boxed in orange. (B) In the uninduced state, PQ is modestly active and produces QS transcripts (red), which terminate at IRS1. Upon induction, production of QL (gray) and QOp transcripts (blue) increases dramatically. QL transcripts have are identical to QS transcripts through IRS1 but terminate at IRS2; for this study, we used HCR probes to RNAs produced from the sequences between IRS1 and IRS2, since they are unique to induced cells. QOp transcripts (blue) continue through regions of pCF10 that encode genes required for conjugation. prgX transcripts are generated from the opposite strand and extend from promoter Px, terminating near the 3′ end of prgX (green lollipop). I, iCF10.