Box and whiskers plots for sympathetic (A) and angiotensin (B) support of blood pressure for spinal intact (Sham SCI), paraplegic (T2–3X), and tetraplegic (C6–7X) rats. Paraplegic rats had a reduced sympathetic support of blood pressure and a higher angiotensin support of blood pressure compared with spinal intact rats. Furthermore, the sympathetic support of blood pressure was lower in tetraplegic rats compared with paraplegic and spinal intact rats. Tetraplegic rats had an enhanced reliance on angiotensin to maintain arterial blood pressure compared with spinal intact and paraplegic rats. *P < 0.05, Sham SCI vs. T2–3X, group effect; #P < 0.05, T2–3X vs. C6–7X, group effect; +P < 0.05, Sham SCI vs. C6–7X, group effect.