A and B: changes in arterial pressure (A) and heart rate [beats/min (bpm); B] in response to 20 min of restrainer stress for spinal intact (Sham SCI), paraplegic (T2–3X), and tetraplegic (C6–7X) rats. C and D: box and whiskers plots averaged over the 20 min. The blood pressure response to restrainer stress was significantly lower in paraplegic rats compared with spinal intact rats, whereas the heart rate response was significantly higher in paraplegic rats compared with spinal intact rats. In contrast, tetraplegic rats had virtually no arterial pressure or heart rate responses to restrainer stress compared with spinal intact and paraplegic rats. *P < 0.05, Sham SCI vs. T2–3X, group effect; #P < 0.05, T2–3X vs. C6–7X, group effect; +P < 0.05 Sham SCI vs. C6–7X, group effect.