Fig. 12.
Bile acids and choline-containing phospholipids were correlated with microbiome changes in colon. Associations between identified colon content metabolites and colon bacterial genera altered by diet in 83-day-old pigs provided control nonprobiotic (CON-N), control probiotic (CON-P), high-fructose, high-fat nonprobiotic (HFF-N), and high-fructose, high-fat probiotic (HFF-P) diets. Network displays Spearman’s correlations between metabolites and genera with false discovery rate ≤ 0.001; orange and blue edges represent positive and negative correlations, respectively. Nodes shapes and colors: yellow circles represent metabolites; blue represent bile acids; green triangle represents short chain fatty acids. Rectangular nodes represent colon bacterial genera altered by diet. Genera and metabolites altered by diet were only considered for correlation network. Centered log ratio transformations were applied to relative abundance data before performing Spearman’s correlations. DCA, deoxycholic acid; HDCA, hyodeoxycholic acid; LCA, lithocholic acid; TCA, tricarboxylic acid.