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. 2019 Dec 27;2:25. doi: 10.1186/s42492-019-0032-7

Table 9.

Wilcoxon signed-rank test between AUC scores of our methods and the typical methods

Our method HF eHM eHM + KL CoLIAGe VGG16
LMD + LMS << 0.05 << 0.05 << 0.05 << 0.05 << 0.05
LMS + LMA << 0.05 << 0.05 << 0.05 << 0.05 << 0.05

HF Haralick feature, eHM Extended Haralick measure, KLT Karhunen-Loeve transform, LMD Learning model by multiple displacements, LMS Learning model by multiple strides, LMA Learning model by multiple angles, CoLIAGe Co-occurrence of local anisotropic gradient orientations, AUC Area under the curve of receiver operating characteristic curve