Figure 1.
Sequence alignment of spike proteins from 2019-nCoV (NCBI accession: QHD43416) and SARS-CoV (UniProt ID: P59594). The four “novel” insertions “GTNGTKR” (IS1), “YYHKNNKS” (IS2), “GDSSSG” (IS3) and “QTNSPRRA” (IS4) by Pradhan et al. are highlighted in dashed rectangles. We noted that these fragments are not bona fide “insertions”; in fact, at least three out of all four fragments are also shared with Bat Coronavirus RaTG13 spike glycoprotein (NCBI accession: QHR63300.1), as shown in Table 1. Nevertheless, we still refer these fragments as “insertions” in this manuscript for consistency with the original report. The receptor binding domain of spike is marked within the solid box, which corresponds to residue positions 323 to 545 in the above alignment. A pair of arrows immediately following IS4 indicates the protease cleavage site by which spike proteins are cut into S1 and S2 isoforms.