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. 2019 May 14;5(4):255–280. doi: 10.1007/s40495-019-00181-w

Table 6.

Ligand-based virtual screening and molecular docking results regarding the antidiarrheal, anti-platelets, and anticholinesterase activity

Target Compounds LBVS Docking Score

1- Mu-type opioid receptor

“Antidiarrheal target, the action on mu and delta opioid receptors leads to inhibition of diarrhea without constipation [64]

4DKL* 5C1M*
1- (+)-Mollisacacidin 0.994 − 7.279 − 9.051
2- Catechin 0.994 − 7.822 − 8.727
3- Dicatechin 0.983 − 8.880 − 12.268
4- Epicatechin 0.994 7.392 − 8.836
a- Eluxadoline − 6.868 − 10.799
• A 4VO 401 − 11.228

2- Delta-type opioid receptor

Antidiarrheal target

4N6H* 4EJ4*
1- (+)-Catechin-3, 5-digallate 0.998 − 11.44 − 10.808
2- Dicatechin 0.999 − 12.06 − 11.488
a- Eluxadoline − 7.834 − 7.712
• A EJ4 1219 − 11.01
• A EJ4 500 − 10.392

3- P2Y12 receptor

“Anti-platelets target has a central role in platelet activation” [65]

1- 1, 6-di-O-galloyl-beta-D-glucose 0.756 − 11.99 − 11.397
2- Clopidogrel − 5.521 − 6.873
• A 6AD 1201 − 20.29
• A AZJ 1201 − 19.78

4- Acetylcholinesterase enzyme

“The reversible inhibition of enzyme acetylcholinesterase increases the concentration of acetylcholine that is helpful in neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s disease [66]

1H22* 1ODC*
1- (+)-Catechin-4,5-digallate 0.73 − 12.837 − 13.137
2- (+)-Mollisacacidin 0.984 − 10.697 − 11.074
3- Acacetin 0.74 − 8.728 − 10.147
4- Catechin 0.984 − 11.143 − 11.397
5- Digallic acid 0.94 − 12.683 − 13.272
6- Epicatechin 0.984 − 11.053 − 10.701
7- Flavone 1.0 − 7.519 − 7.521
8- Leucocyanidin 0.99 − 12.967 − 13.153
9- Lupenone 1.0 − 10.976 − 8.968
10- Lupeol 0.99 − 11.737 − 10.071
11- Melacacidin 0.99 − 11.162 − 11.291
12- Niloticane 1.0 − 10.396 − 10.735
a- Neostigmine − 7.919 − 8.196
• A E10 1536 − 11.084 − 11.266
• A A8B 1538 − 11.266

In Compounds, the numbers 1, 2, 3, … indicate A. nilotica’s phytochemical constituents, letters a, b, … indicates positive controls, • indicates the co-crystallized ligands, and the italic emphasis indicates compounds with the higher scores. At Ligand-Based Virtual Screening Score (LBVS sco.), en dash (–) means that the compound was not screened. Asterisk (*) indicates the PDB ID