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. 2020 Mar 18;6(1):e000670. doi: 10.1136/bmjsem-2019-000670

Table 3.

Injury nature for studies reporting medical-attention injury in community cricket (ED presentations unless otherwise noted)

First author, year (reference) No of injuries Age range Concussion/closed head intracranial injury or seizure Superficial injury Eye injury Fracture Avulsion
Injury to muscle and tendon or rupture/tear Internal organ injury Open wound/laceration Soft tissue Sprain Strain Bruising Overuse Inflammation* Abrasion/friction burn Other/NR
Perera, 201922 HA: 121 5–45+ years 5.0% 47.1% 6.6% 18.2%† 23.1%
ED: 547 5–45+ years 1.6% 14.6% 2.9% 17.2% 6.9% 8.4% 36.4%† 11.9%
King, 201817 3087** 0–85+ years 1.7% 30.9% 1.9% 64.1% - 0.5% 0.9%
Walker, 201019 HA: 498 2–80 years 5.0%‡ 43.8% 6.2% 3.6% 2.4% 15.2% 5.4% 18.1%
Upadhyay, 200018 60 9–13 years 13.3% 43.3% 13.3% 30.1%
Finch, 199820 2345 <15 years 17.8% 17.8% 12.4%§ 30.2% 2.9% 11.4%
3846 ≥15 years 20.7% 11.2% 26.0%§ 19.6% 1.2% 11.5%
Forward, 198821 65 19–34 years 1.5% 9.2% 33.8%¶ 10.8% 6.2% 15.4% 6.2% 6.2% 10.7%

*Includes pain and swelling.

†Dislocation, sprain and strain were combined.

‡Includes 2.2% seizures.

§Sprain and strain combined.

¶Includes bruised ribs as three cases were classifiedas bruised or fractured.

**Insurance claims.

ED, emergency department presentations; HA, hospital admission; NR, not reported.