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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2020 Aug 4.
Published in final edited form as: J Perinatol. 2020 Feb 4;40(4):616–627. doi: 10.1038/s41372-020-0594-4

Table 2.

Outcomes with Age at First Exposure to Steroids (unadjusted)

  Steroid Exposure
  All Early (≤28 d) Late (>28 d) P, early vs. late
  n=951 n=420 n=531
Pulmonary Outcomes at Discharge
Severe BPD, n (%) 517/863 (60.0) 206 (57.9) 311 (61.3) 0.32
Severe BPD or Death by 36 weeks’ PMA, n (%) 605/951 (63.6) 270 (64.3) 335 (63.1) 0.73
Death by 36 weeks PMA, n (%) 88/951 (9.2) 64 (15.2) 24 (4.5) <.001
3-level BPD for infants who survived to 36 weeks’ PMA, n (%)1   <.01
 Severe 517/863 (60.0) 206 (57.9) 311 (61.3)
 Moderate 246/863 (28.5) 93 (26.1) 153 (30.2)
 No/Mild 100/863 (11.6) 57 (16.0) 43 (8.5)
Days of ventilation, mean ±SD2, 3 51.4±23.6 47.9±23.4 53.8±23.5 <.001
Days of supplemental oxygen, mean ±SD2, 3 102.0±22.2 99.4±22.8 103.8±21.6 <.01
Discharged on oxygen, n (%)2, 4 476/759 (62.7) 175 (55.4) 301 (68.0) <.001
Tracheostomy, n (%)2 16/771 (2.0) 4 (1.3) 12 (2.6) 0.21
Length of stay (days), mean ±SD2,5 140.7±48.8 139.5±48.7 141.6±48.9 0.55
PMA at discharge (weeks), mean ±SD2,5 45.0±6.9 44.8±6.9 45.2±6.9 0.52
Neurodevelopmental Outcomes at 18–26 Months Corrected Age
  NDI composite 164/653 (25.1) 64 (23.1) 100 (26.6) 0.26
  Death by follow-up 179/929 (19.3) 103 (24.8) 76 (14.8) <.001
  NDI composite or death 342/831 (41.2) 166 (43.8) 176 (38.9) 0.17
  Bayley-3 motor composite <706,7 97/504 (19.2) 45 (20.6) 52 (18.2) 0.82
  Bayley-3 motor composite <857 221/504 (43.8) 94 (42.9) 127 (44.6) 0.30
  Gross motor function ≥ level 26 84/669 (12.6) 32 (11.2) 52 (13.5) 0.17
  Moderate-to-severe CP6 53/669 (7.9) 22 (7.8) 31 (8.0) 0.96
  Bayley-3 cognitive composite <706 100/659 (15.2) 40 (14.2) 60 (15.9) 0.65
  Bayley-3 cognitive composite <85 253/659 (38.4) 113 (40.2) 140 (37.0) 0.19
  Bayley-3 language composite <70 157/643 (24.4) 66 (24.0) 91 (24.7) 0.52
  Bayley-3 language composite <85 362/643 (56.3) 168 (61.1) 194 (52.7) 0.24
  Blindness6 7/668 (1.1) 2 (0.7) 5 (1.3) 0.54
  Deafness6 21/670 (3.1) 7 (2.5) 14 (3.6) 0.42
  BITSEA/problems >75%ile 194/583 (33.3) 93 (37.5) 101 (30.2) 0.08
  BITSEA/competencies <15%ile 172/567 (30.3) 81 (32.9) 91 (28.4) 0.27

Data are mean ±SD or n (%). P values are from chi-square exact tests for categorical variables, and t-tests for continuous variables, contrasting age groups of >28 days vs ≤28 days age for initiation of first steroids.


Mild BPD=Oxygen >21% for at least 28 days but room air at 36 weeks, Moderate=<30% oxygen requirement at 36 weeks, Severe= ≥30% oxygen and/ or positive pressure at 36 weeks.


Outcomes for survivors only.


Total Days of ventilation and supplemental oxygen by status missing for <0.1% of infants.


Of the 951 infants, 771 were discharged by 1 year of life. Of these, 2% were missing information.


Missing for 1% of infants.


Part of NDI composite.


Motor score only available for kids born after 2009.

BPD=bronchopulmonary dysplasia, PMA=post-menstrual age, NDI=Neurodevelopmental Impairment, Bayley 3=Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, 3rd Edition, BITSEA= Brief Infant Toddler Social Emotional Assessment