Fig. 5. Proposed mechanism of cross-hatched structure formation during the martensitic transformation.
(A) Model highlighting the transformation of eight unit cells of BPII(100) (2 × 2 × 2) to BPI(110),−9.75°. All the strain components are idealized values. (B) Four BPI(110) lattices, which can be transformed from single-crystalline BPII(100), and their strain values in global coordination after the transformation. (C) 64 × 64 single-crystalline BPII(100) and transformed 32 × 32 BPII(110),−9.75°. (D) Representative twin 1 and twin 2 lamellae formation. (E) Idealized cross-hatched structure formation, which consists of twin 1 and twin 2 and actual cross-hatched structure of BPI(110) after the martensitic transformation (inset).