Figure 3.
Coronal maximum intensity projection images obtained with (a) ungated radial QISS, (b) TOF, and (c) CEMRA in a patient with arterial ectasia of the carotid and vertebral arteries. While there is some in-plane flow saturation apparent on both nonenhanced ungated radial QISS and TOF protocols due to arterial ectasia, QISS shows much less degradation from motion artifact and in-plane flow saturation. All 18 of 18 arterial segments were deemed scorable in this patient by all three imaging techniques and reviewers. The percentages of these 18 segments with diagnostic image quality were: 77.8% (14/18), 55.6% (10/18), and 77.8% (14/18) for QISS (reviewers 1, 2, and 3, respectively); 33.3% (6/18), 11.1% (2/18), and 38.9% (7/18) for TOF (reviewers 1, 2, and 3, respectively); and 100% (18/18) for CEMRA (all reviewers).