Table 1.
Mean and standard deviations for ASD and typically developing control groups on matched demographic variables and AQ
Group | Age | Musical training | Raven’s | ROWPVT-4 | AQ |
ASD | 36.59 (13.1) | 4.82 (7.64) | 53.62 (3.5) | 107.19 (14.3) | 41.35 (5.17) |
Control | 36.35 (12.4) | 5.74 (6.98) | 52.82 (3.97) | 107.24 (16.5) | 14.65 (7.03) |
Comparison statistics: Bayesian | |||||
BF01 | 3.04 | 2.89 | 2.6 | 3.01 | 1.45 × 10−11 |
Median | .10 | .09 | .16 | .001 | 4.17 |
95% CI | − .56, .60 | − .69, .48 | − .43, .78 | − .58, .60 | 2.91, 5.44 |
Comparison statistics: frequentist | |||||
t | .05 | .36 | .62 | .001 | 12.62 |
p | .96 | .72 | .54 | .99 | <.001 |
Cohen’s d | .018 | .125 | .21 | .003 | 4.329 |
Frequentist comparisons are given by 2-tailed independent t-test results. Bayes factors from a default prior Bayesian t-test are expressed in terms of the Bayes factor in favour of the null hypothesis of no difference (BF01). The delta effect size is given by the median of the a posterior distribution and 95% credible intervals