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. 2015 Feb 3;10(4):471–479. doi: 10.1007/s11739-015-1200-1

Table 5.

Baseline characteristics of the severe sepsis cohort

Characteristics Alive n = 954 Deceased n = 237 p value
Age, median years (IQR) 55 (44–68) 63 (53–73) <0.001
Male sex n (%) 522 (54.7) 129 (54.4) 0.94
Diabetes n (%) 243 (25.5) 51 (21.5) 0.20
Immunosuppressed n (%) 281 (29.5) 99 (41.8) <0.001
Hypertension n (%) 384 (40.3) 81 (34.2) 0.18
Solid tumor with mets n (%) 85 (8.9) 75 (31.6) <0.001
Chemotherapy in past 4 weeks n (%) 159 (16.7) 74 (31.2) <0.001
Oncology patient n (%) 259 (27.1) 132 (55.7) <0.001
Active tobacco use n (%) 65 (6.8) 23 (9.7) 0.07
Creatinine clearance, median ml/min (IQR) 62.7 (33.2–93.9) 46.1 (30.9–75.8) <0.001
ED APACHE II score, IQR 14 (10–19) 18 (13–23.5) <0.001
ED SOFA score, IQR 3 (2–5) 4 (3–7) <0.001

IQR interquartile range, ED emergency department, APACHE II acute physiology and chronic health evaluation II, SOFA sequential organ failure assessment