A) Representative cell-attached recordings of ChIs and graph show slower firing in ChIs from DATdT-2w mice. B) Amph reduces ChI firing in WTdT-2w mice and C) increases firing in DATdT-2w mice. For all panels, n=cells; #p<0.05, ##p<0.01, ###p<0.001, vehicle compared to ligand, paired t-test. D) Percent change of ChI firing in response to Amph from WTdT-2w and DATdT-2w mice. E) Correlation between the baseline firing rate and the percent change in firing following Amph in ChIs from WTdT-2w and F) DATdT-2w mice. Lines, linear regression. G) Firing in ChIs from WTsaline, H) reserpine, and I) DATdT-2w mice increases in response to the D1R agonist (SKF) and decreases in response to the D2R agonist (Quin). J and K) SKF boosts firing in ChIs from DATdT-2w mice. &F(2,18)= 3.66, p=0.04, 2-way ANOVA. L and M) Quin reduces firing in ChIs from reserpine mice. &F(2,24)= 6.89, p=0.02, 2-way ANOVA. See also Figure S4.