Figure 4.
Surrogate Cre-mediated recombination using Cre2GO BE reporter. (A) (top) Schematic of all-in-one Cre recombinase GO reporter with (i) modified 5′ end in the Cre-recombinase cDNA to include silent start site ‘ACG’, (ii) sgGO and (iii) an endogenous targeting sgRNA (CreGO). (bottom) Schematic of modified CreGO reporter with masked, synonymous alternative start sites (Cre2GO). (B) Flow cytometry of immortalized MEFs containing an R26-LSL-tdTomato allele expressing FNLS-P2A-GFP or no editor and CreGO or Cre2GO reporters. FNLS expressing cells were gated on tdTomato+ cells within the GFP+ population. WT cells are gated on tdTomato+ cells. (C) R26-LSL-tdTomato MEFs expressing FNLS and Cre2GO with sgRNA targeting endogenous Ctnnb1.S33 or no sgRNAwere sorted for tdTomato expression. Sanger sequencing chromatograms are displayed for the bulk and sorted populations at the Ctnnb1.S33 locus. (D) Deep sequencing analysis of C>T edits at the Ctnnb1.S33 locus in MEFs described in C.