Figure 2.
Structure of the TetR-aptamer complex. (A) Cartoon representation of dimeric TetR (in blue and gray) in complex with the RNA aptamer K1. The N-terminal NBDs of TetR are formed by helices α1 through α3 and the EBDs by helices α4 through α9. The TetR-RNA aptamer interface is framed. (B) Schematic summary of the base pairings within the aptamer as well as of the side chain-specific TetR interactions. Nucleobases in canonical Watson-Crick base pairings are colored white, trans Watson-Crick/Hoogsteen pairings blue and trans sugar-edge/sugar-edge pairings orange. The two non-canonical Watson–Crick/Watson–Crick pairings are shown in gray and the sugar edge/Hoogsteen pair in red. Hydrogen bond interactions between TetR and RNA aptamer are indicated by red arrows and selected π–π-stacking interactions by gray arrows. The two stems P1 and P2 are labeled.