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. 2020 Mar 17;2020:1543831. doi: 10.1155/2020/1543831

Table 5.

Plant species with ethnoveterinary applications in Mutomo hill plant sanctuary and its environs. Where possible, literature citing ethnoveterinary uses of the reported plant species has been indicated.

Plant species Part used Ethnomedicinal applications Disease treated Reported ethnoveterinary uses
Commiphora baluensis Bark An infusion Diarrhea in poultry Diarrhea in chicken [64]
Commiphora habessinica Exudate Applied on areas infested with ticks Deticking agent in goats and cattle Is antiseptic [64]
Boscia coriacea Leaves, root An infusion is administered orally. The leaves are burnt and ground into a powder which is applied into the eyes Diarrhea in goats and cattle. Partial blindness and eye injuries in cattle Bile problems in poultry [40]
Kleinia squarrosa Aerial parts An infusion Diarrhea in poultry Literature not found
Launaea cornuta Aerial parts An infusion Liver diseases in poultry Diarrhea and coccidiosis in chicken [1, 64]
Croton megalocarpus Leaves An infusion Liver disease in poultry Diarrhea, dysentery, and swollen heads in poultry [74]
Albizia anthelmintica Bark An infusion is administered orally. Dried bark is ground into a powder which is applied into eyes Liver diseases in poultry, eye injuries in cattle Deworming and diarrhea in livestock [64]
Plumbago zeylanica Roots, aerial parts The roots are burnt and ground into a powder which is applied into injured eyes. An infusion from aerial parts is administered orally in poultry Eye injury in cattle, lung and liver diseases in poultry Literature not found
Cissus quadrangularis Stem An infusion is administered orally. The plant is sometimes mixed with the bark of Commiphora baluensis and Albizia anthelmintica Diarrhea in poultry Gall diseases, east coast fever, lung trouble, and diarrhea in cattle [64, 65]
Cissus rotundifolia Leaves An infusion Diarrhea in poultry Bloat, black quarter and anaplasmosis [1]
Aloe secundiflora Exudate An infusion Diarrhea in poultry Coccidiosis in chicken and diarrhea in livestock [1, 40, 64]