Fig. 2.
Oubain potently inhibited the IL-6 induction in ST cells by TGEV infection. A. ST cells were induced to produce a large quantity of IL-6 upon TGEV infection at MOI of 0.01 over a period of 30 h.p.i. The resultant culture supernatant of TGEV infected ST cells at each indicated time point was subjected to quantification of IL-6. B. IL-6 production in TGEV infected ST cells was significantly diminished by ouabain in a dose dependent manner. Ouabain was pretreated for 1 h prior to ST cells infected with TGEV at a MOI of 0.01. The resultant culture supernatants of ouabain treated cells at the 22 h.p.i. were subjected to quantification of IL-6. Results shown are averages ± SD from three independent experiments.