Fig. 2.
The ontogeny of primary lymphopoietic activity in fetal liver (A), bone marrow (B) and thymus (C). The proportions of putative lymphoid progenitors (CD45loCD172a− cells, solid line) and mature lymphocytes (CD45hiCD172a− cells, dotted line) in fetal liver (A) and bone marrow (B) demonstrate the shift of lymphopoietic activity between these hematopoietic centers. The thymus (C) is populated by pro-T cell progenitors from the same hematopoietic centers that can be easily observed by two waves of developing immature DP precursors (large CD4+CD8+ cells that are CD3−TCRαβ−TCRγδ−, dashed line). Relationship to the development of mature αβ (small CD3hiTCRαβ+ cells, solid line) and γδ (small CD3hiTCRγδ+ cells, dotted line) T lymphocytes in the thymus is also shown. The ontogeny of occurrence for peripheral mature αβ T cells (solid line), γδ T cells (dotted line) and B cells (dashed line) is shown for fetal blood (D) and spleen (E). Data are based on results previously published by Sinkora et al. [8], [10], [14], [33], [43].