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. 2011 Aug 26;63(14):1300–1331. doi: 10.1016/j.addr.2011.08.002

Table 3.

Characteristics of selected siRNA magnetic complexes. Mf stands for Metafectene (Biontex).

Complex Iron-to-siRNA w/w ratio ξ-Potential (mV) Mean hydrated diameter D (nm) Efficient velocity in magnetic fieldsa υz (μm/s) Average magnetic moment of the complex Ma (10− 16 A m2) Number of magnetic particles in a complexN = M/meff
 PEI/siRNA + 15.2 ± 1.8 413 ± 190
 Mf/siRNA + 36.1 ± 9.7 283 ± 133
 PEI–Mag2/siRNA 1:1 − 14.0 ± 0.8 685 ± 242 1.2 17.2 20,483
 PEI-Mag2/siRNA 2:1 − 10.1 ± 1.2 736 1.96 30.2 35,946
 PEI-Mag2/PEI/siRNA 0.5:1 + 2.0 ± 4 394 ± 70 1.19 9.5 11,290
 PalD1-Mag1/PEI/siRNA 0.5:1 + 7.2 ± 1.5 370 ± 115 1.49 11.6 15,895
 PEI-Mag2/Mf/siRNA 0.5:1 36.4 ± 3.8 210 ± 86 0.86 3.8 4500
 PalD1-Mag1/Mf/siRNA 0.5:1 + 12 ± 6.3 326 ± 175 0.72 30.2 12,181

a Determined at < B > = 213 mT and gradient B of 4 T/m.

Reproduced with permission from Humana Press: Methods in Molecular Biology [76].