Figure 5. Concurrent treatment with pravastatin and aspirin did not reduce tropoelastin accumulation or aortic dilation.
(A) A reformatted angiogram acquired from an Ang II-infused ApoE-/- mouse treated with pravastatin and aspirin shows a suprarenal dilation. (B–F) Cross-sectional MRA and Gd-TESMA enhanced images, showed enhancement of the aortic dissection. (G and H) Quantification of the aortic cross-sectional and Gd-TESMA enhanced areas were similar between treated (n = 10) and untreated mice (n = 36). Quantitative data were compared with a non-parametric Mann–Whitney test. Ao, aorta; FL, false lumen; MA, mesenteric artery; MIP, maximum intensity projection; RRA, right renal artery.