Table 2.
List of misoprostol samples. Assay and dissolution values which are out of specification are marked by “!”. RSD = relative standard deviation; HC = Health Center; CMST = Central Medical Stores Trust
1PMPB = Pharmacy, Medicine and Poisons Board of Malawi; for registered medicines, the PMPB registration number is given;2facility number as listed in Additional File 1;3at time of analysis;4manufacturing date not stated on packaging; information from the websites of HPRA ( and emc (;5no dissolution testing due to small sample size;6WHO-prequalified finished pharmaceutical product [32, 33];7collected in Sep 17 as open PVC-bottle, analysed in Feb 18;8collected in Sep 17 as sealed PVC-bottle, analysed in Feb 18;9incomplete information; manufacturer may have won a tender with CMST and may therefore have undergone accelerated registration