Characterization of NC mineralization by TEM-EDX analyses of dried MVs. MVs were incubated in SCL devoid of Ca2+ (MV Neat) or supplemented with 2 mM Ca2+ (MV+Ca2+) for 24 h, then dried and analyzed by means of TEM-EDX. (A) TEM images (scale bars are 500 nm) of MVs devoid of, partially filled with, and fully filled with mineral deposits (arrows with labels). (B) Frequency of MVs devoid of (white area), partially filled with (grey area), and fully filled with (black area) mineral deposits. (C) The Ca/P ratio of mineral deposits found in MVs incubated in SCL devoid of Ca2+ (MV Neat, hatched area) or supplemented with 2 mM Ca2+ (MV+Ca2+, crosshatched area) as measured by TEM-EDX.